Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Chicago's Maxwell Street Market. 1932.
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
I discovered this old photograph on the internet recently. A popular if not somewhat dirty and run down looking place on the near southside of Chicago, was the famous "Maxwell Street Flea Market", wich had operated on South Halsted Street on Sundays for many years. The Maxwell Street Flea Market, was located in an area surrounded by Chicago's Pillsen neighborhood on the north, and the Bridgeport neighborhood on the south.
Although I had never visited the Maxwell Street Market in person, many friends and acqaintences of My family did, and had a story or two to tell about it.
The Maxwell Street Flea Market, was featured in the 1980 movie "The Blues Brothers" wich had starred John Belushi and Dan Akroyd.
Things were changing economically and commercially in Chicago during the late 1980's and early 1990's, and the area on South Halsted Street that hosted the Maxwell Street Flea Market, was demolished and redeveloped with new buildings for student housing at the nearby University of Illinois Chicago Campus. Sone using salvaged fronts from the old buildings.
The market was evicted from the old location.
A smaller scaled down Maxwell Street Flea Market exists today, on Maxwell Street east of Halsted, in the north section of Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood.
Eastbound Metra commuter local at the Elmwood Park station. Elmwood Park Illinois. February 2008.
Eastbound Metra commuter local at the Elmwood Park station. Elmwood Park Illinois. February 2008.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo one winter afternoon back in February of 2008.
An eastbound Metra rush hour local commuter train, prepares for departure from the Elmwood Par Illinois Metra commuter rail station.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Canadian Pacific unit grain train passing through Hawthorne Junction. Chicago / Cicero Illinois. Febuary 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Canadian Pacific unit grain train passing through Hawthorne Junction. Chicago / Cicero Illinois. Febuary 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video in February of 2010.
A southbound Canadian Pacific transfer train traveling over the Belt Railway of Chicago, is viewed passing through the Canadian Nationl ex Illinois Central crosstracks at Hawthorne Junction.
Hawthorne Junction, is located directly on the Chicago city limits border at west suburban Cicero Illinois. This view is facing west.
The Canadian Pacific transfer freight train, is enroute to the Belt Railway of Chicago owned Clearing Yard in Bedford Park Illinois, near Chicago's Midway Airport.
Penn Central freight train during the wintertime circa mid 1970's at Wellsley Farms Massachusettes. From the internet.
Penn Central freight train during the wintertime circa mid 1970's at Wellsley Farms Massachusettes. From the internet.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I found this unique wintertime mid 1970's era photo from the long gone Penn Central Railroad, at My link page Fallen Flags.Org to the right of Your computer screen.
Unpleasant as winter weather conditions can sometimes be, they make for some really unique working railroad photographs. Believe it or not...I actually enjoy taking railfan photos during the winter season occasionally Myself.
Historic photo! The Milwaukee Road, Midwest Hiawatha passenger train in 1943.
Historic photo! The Milwaukee Road, Midwest Hiawatha passenger train in 1943.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Being a Chicago area railfan Myself, just like many of My peers in the railfan community....I have always had a certain fascination with a period of North American railroading known as "The Steam Era".
While it is nice to be able to visit and photograph preserved steam locomotives on display in city parks and museums, or perhaps ride aboard a mainline steam charter fantrip...the day to day working steam locomotives of pre 1950's times must have been great to see and hear up close.
Although the Milwaukee Road preserved a very small handful of steam locomotives at the end of the steam era in their quest for modernization, their streamlined and very fast moving steamers from the 1930's era were legendary.
This old photo that I found on the internet from the year of 1943, captures the look and feel of streamlined Milwaukee Road passenger service steam power at speed.
Westbound Metra local at the Franklin Park Metra commuter rail station. Franklin Park Illinois. Thursday, October 21st, 2010.
Westbound Metra local at the Franklin Park Metra commuter rail station. Franklin Park Illinois. Thursday, October 21st, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo during My lunch break one morning, in October of 2010.
A westbound Metra local commuter train enroute to Elgin Illinois, prepares to depart from the Franklin Park Illinois, Metra commuter rail station.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Were not real store greeters. Just fine and colorful stand ins. Weiss Ace Hardware. Glenview Illinois. December 2009.
Were not real store greeters. Just fine and colorful stand ins. Weiss Ace Hardware. Glenview Illinois. December 2009.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
The holidays will soon be upon the greater Chicagoland ara once again everyone.

One piece of railroad equipment I have always found fascinating, were Transfer Cabooses.
I spotted this orange 1970's era Illinois Central Gulf example, at My link page Fallen Flags.Org to the right of Your computer screen.
Transfer cabooses, are a special type of basic caboose design. These are used primarily on switching locals were many reverse movements need to be made. They are also used on transfer trains and yard switching.
Many railroads built their own transfer cabooses at company shop facilities. A transfer caboose for the most part, is a flatcar with a cabin mounted on it. There is little room for much of anything else inside except for tools a coal stove for heat ,and a desk.
A unique example of a homemade design of transfer caboose, are the ones that the former Milwaukee Road had built during the 1950's. The Milwaukee Road had utilized the frame and trucks from tenders that were saved from scrapped steam locomotives.
The Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad still uses transfer cabooses today on industrial switching locals.
Preserved examples include a former repainted red Milwaukee Road one at The East Troy Electric Railroad and Museum in East Troy Wisconsin, and a wooden Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific example under restoration at The Illinois Railway Museum in Union Illinois. www.irm.org
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Canadian Pacific freight train crossing Techny Road. Northbrook Illinois. February 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Canadian Pacific freight train crossing Techny Road. Northbrook Illinois. February 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video back in February of 2010.
A Canadian Pacific heavy freight train, is viewed interchanging off of the Union Pacific Railroad's freight only "Techny Line" at north suburban Northbrook Illinois. The train is now interchanging on to the Canadian Pacific former Milwaukee Road north line at the Techny Road railroad crossing ,on an overcast winter day.
Eastbound Metra local arriving at the Hanson Park commuter flagstop depot. Chicago Illinois. December 2006.
Eastbound Metra local arriving at the Hanson Park commuter flagstop depot. Chicago Illinois. December 2006.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
If there is by any chance, that I could actually say something positive about the dreaded short daylight hours that many fellow Chicagoans complain about near the end of the year....is that it gives us photographers more opportunities to capture sunset images.
I took this photo back in December of 2006. Another Chicago day is ending around ...4:15 PM ? Yes. Thats about right for December of any given year. Seen here is an eastbound Metra local commuter train enroute to Chicago Union Station, stopping at the Hanson Park commuter flagstop depot ar sunset.
CHICAGOLAND. Nerska Diamond 1991 PART ONE
I spotted this video this morning on You Tube.
Nerska Junction, is located on the southwest side of Chicago at approximately West 41st Street, just east of South Cicero Avenue on private property. The BNSF Railway's former Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe east / west mainline, crosses the north / south Belt Railway of Chicago tracks just south of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal.
This video was photographed on location here in 1991, when there was still an Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Several north and southbound transfer freight trains, are seen passing through on the Belt Railway of Chicago line.
I actually visited Nerska Junction a handfu of times on My bicycle back in 1989 and 1990.
Today, there is a tall pole mounted ariel Police type surveilance camera at this location. Translation: "Railfanning is now STRONGLY discouraged here.
Lionel O' Guage Porter 0-4-0T narrow guage locomotive and logging train. Berwy's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois. May 2010.
Lionel O' Guage Porter 0-4-0T narrow guage locomotive and logging train. Berwy's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois. May 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo during a May 2010 visit, to the Berwyn's Toy Trains And Models Hobby Shop in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
Part of the fun on any visit to therir store on Ogden Avenue, are seeing the O' Scale trains operate on two different model train layouts inside the store.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Archer Avenue storefronts in Chicago's Brighton Park neighborhood.Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010.
Archer Avenue storefronts in Chicago's Brighton Park neighborhood. Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hello everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
One southwest side Chicago neighborhood that I had spent much time shopping and visiting in during the 1970;s, 80.s and 90's, was none othrt than Chicago's Brighton Park neighborhood.
I used to work a few blocks south of here at West 47th Street and South Troy in Chicago's bordering Elsdon neighborhood, from 1987 until 1994. Many times after work, I would walk to the intersection of South Archer and Kedzie Avenues just west of this photo location, and eat at Jimmy's Gyros for an inexpensive and tasty fast food dinner.
During the 1970's and early 80's, I would see movies at the now long gone Brighton Theatre, shop at stores like Neisner's, Kroozin Music at South Archer and California Avenues ( Gone-Demolished) The Brighton Park Hobby Center and The Archer Avenue Big Store. My family enjoyed dining at The Park Restaurant at Archer and Kedzie, the Wing Wah Lah Chinese Restaurant, Chesdan's Pizzeria at South Archer and Spaulding Avenues or even The Silver Coin Restaurant at South Archer Avenue and West 43rd Street / aka Pope John Paul the 2nd Drive.
Chicago's Brighton Park neighborhood for many years had a large Polish ethnic population. Today it is predominently Hispanic.
Still, I have many happy memories of Chicago's Brighton Park neighborhood. I hope to visit it sometime soon.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train. Glenview Illinois. Thursday, May 6th 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train. Glenview Illinois. Thursday, May 6th 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video this past May.
Passing along the west side of Johns Drive in north suburban Glenview Illinois, is the northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train enroute to Milwaukee Wisconsin.
This train had just departed from the Glenview station approximately one mile south of here, and is now picking up speed.
Western Pacific 4-6-0 # 77 pulling the westbound Feather River Expresspassenger train from Reno Nevada through northern California's AltamontPass in 1937.
Western Pacific 4-6-0 # 77 pulling the westbound Feather River Express passenger train from Reno Nevada through northern California's Altamont Pass in 1937.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
One era of North American railroading that has always fascinated Me, was the steam era.
Although I was born too late to experience it first hand, I always enjoy seeing those old 1950's era and earlier home movies dubbed to video, and the numerous old photographs that were taken.
This old one from the Western Pacific Railroad from My link page Fallen Flags.Org to the right of Your computer screen, is definately one of My favorites.
Belt Railway of Chicago MP15 Switching at Hayford Crossing
I spotted this video on You Tube today.
One of My favorite railfan hang outs I had spent much time at during the 1980's, was Hayford Junction, located at West 75th Street and South Central Park Avenue in Chicago's Ashburn neighborhood.
I could remember riding out here on My bicycle, or taking the Chicago Transit Authority's Route # 52A South Kedzie Avenue bus to West 71st Street, and wakking several blocks west to get there.
The Belt Railway of Chicago, crossed the Grand Trunk Western here. The crosstracks are immediately west of the Nabisco factory. Aside from watching the many trains passing through here, half od the fun was just smelling the fresh cookies baking from the Nabisco factory in the air.
This video was photographed recently by a local photographer around sunset.
Westbound Norfolk Southern freight train departing from Cragin Junction. Chicago Illinois. July 2007.
Westbound Norfolk Southern freight train departing from Cragin Junction. Chicago Illinois. July 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo on a very hot 90 degrees plus day back in July of 2007.
We are facing west at the Metra Grand / Cicero Avenue commuter rail station in Chicago's Cragin neighborhood on the northside of the city.
With all of the Metra commuter train traffic out of the way for now, a westbound Norfolk Southern freight train has just recieved clearance from the dispatcher, and is now interchanging off of the Belt Railway of Chicago tracks at nearby Cragin Junction, and heading west over the Canadian Pacific ex Milwaukee Road west line tracks.

I spotted this historic 1960's era photograph at My link page Dave's Electric Railroads www.davesrailpix.com to the right of Your computer screen.
Seen here sometime during the mid 1960's, is a local interurban electric passenger train from The Chicago, South Shore And South Bend Railroad, picking up and dropping off passengers at the storefront depot on 11th Street, in downtown Michigan City Indiana.
This photo is very special to Me, as I occasionally rode the South Shore from Chicago to Michigan City Indiana in those old orange 1920's era cars that were rebuilt during the 1940's, from 1974 until 1979. My family had an elderly lady friend of the family, who lived behind our apartment building We stayed at in our
old neighborhood, who had relatives that lived on a farm in Three Oaks Michigan.
We would board a morning Chicago, South Shore And South Bend Railroad morning 2 car local train, that would leave Randolph Street station in downtown Chicago around 9:55 AM, and ride to Michigan City Indiana were Her relatives would pick us up and drop us off later in the day.
Those were happy memories for Me, of a day spent in the country.
Eddie K.
The College Avenue Metra commuter rail station. Wheaton Illinois USA. Saturday, August 14th, 2010.
The College Avenue Metra commuter rail station. Wheaton Illinois USA. Saturday, August 14th, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo on an August evening in 2010,about an hour before sunset.
Seen here on President Street in far west suburban Wheaton Illinois, is the former Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad owned College Avenue, Metra commuter rail station.
Today, this depot serves commuter passengers, on the Metra / Union Pacific west line to Elburn Illinois.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Eddie K at the Morton Arboretum. Lisle Illinois USA. November 1980.
Eddie K at the Morton Arboretum. Lisle Illinois USA. November 1980.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
I found this old photo recently during a visit to My Parent's home.
This picture, was taken on a Sunday afternoon way back in November of 1980/ Here I am, a then 18 year old future host and photographer of Eddie's Railfan Page, posing by a small lake with some ducks at The Morton Arboretum in far west suburban Lisle Illinois.
During the 1970's, 80's and in to the late 1990's, My family used to venture out on Sunday drives in the family car. We went to many places from Roller Rinks, Flea Markets and Movie Theatres.
The Morton Arboretum was one of our favorite and very scenic places that We loved to visit.
The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Sunday, September 12th, 2010.
The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Sunday, September 12th, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo, during My recent September 2010 visit to The Hesston Steam Museum located in northwest Indiana.
This view, is looking inside the locomotive cab of the museum's former East German DR meter guage 0-8-0 steam locomotive.
This little locomotive, pulled logging and various industrial trains in the European Nation that was formerly known as East Germany.
Today, it pulls tourist trains in Hesston Indiana.
A City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation, recycling garbage truck up close. Chicago Illinois. Tuesday, October 5th, 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Metra commuter local departing from Morton Grove Illinois. August 2008.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Metra commuter local departing from Morton Grove Illinois. August 2008.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
A southbound Metra local enroute to Chicago Union Station from Fox Lake Illinois, is viewed departing from the north suburban Morton Grove Illinois Metra commuter rail station.
Eastbound Metra commuter local crossing Thatcher Avenue. River Grove Illinois. October 2007.
Eastbound Metra commuter local crossing Thatcher Avenue. River Grove Illinois. October 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo back in October of 2006.
We are looking south on Thatcher Avenue just before sunset, as an eastbound Metra local enroute to Chicago Union Station, crosses thatcher Avenue during the evening rush hour.
Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 electric locomotive # 4850 on a fastpassenger train. Trenton New Jersey USA. January 19th, 1964.
Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 electric locomotive # 4850 on a fast passenger train. Trenton New Jersey USA. January 19th, 1964.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I found this historic Pennsylvania Railroad photo recently on My link page Fallen Flags.Org to the right of Your computer screen.
One of the most successful designs of an electric locomotive in North America, was the Pennsylvania Railroad G G 1 class designed by the famous American industrial designer Raymond Lowey during the 1930's. These very solid and well built machines lasted for several decades in service. They served the Pennsylvania Railroad, the succesor company Penn Central, Amtrak, Conrail, and finally New Jersey Transit commuter trains until 1983.
This photo, shows a then nearly 30 year old G G 1 locomotive # 4850 pulling a fast Pennsylvania Railroad passenger train through Trenton New Jersey in January of 1964.
Eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train. Riverside Illinois. October 2007.
Eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train. Riverside Illinois. October 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo during a lovely Autum morning, back in October of 2007.
An eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train, is viewed passing through the Riverside Illinois, Metra commuter rail station.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Delicious Polish homestyle cream of Mushroom soup. The Red Apple, 6474 North Milwaukee Avenue. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, August 22nd, 2010.
Delicious Polish homestyle cream of Mushroom soup. The Red Apple, 6474 North Milwaukee Avenue. Chicago Illinois. Sunday, August 22nd, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hello everyone!
Welcome abaord Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois. Well folks, once again it is that cold, windy and overcast time of the year known as late November once againhere in the Windy City.
One of the simple pleasures this time of the year, is a nice hot bowl of soup. I took this photo this past August, at The Red Apple Polish Smorgasboard Restaurant. This fine eatery, is located at 6474 North Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago, just a few city blocks south of the border at Northwest suburban Niles Illinois.
Rare historic photograph. Downtown Chicago Illinois circa 1908.
Rare historic photograph. Downtown Chicago Illinois circa 1908.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
My lovely wife Cheryl spotted this photograph in public recently, and snapped a photo of it for Me with her cell phne. That was very nice! Thanks honey.
This is a very "Rare" historic photo taken in downtown Chicago Illinois during the early 1900's era.
The little 4 wheeled electric stretcar in the foreground with the Elston Avenue route sign and the roof mounted headlight, is typical of the streetcars that began electric streetcar operations in Chicago back in 1896. The large double trucked electric streetcar to the left of the photo, closely resembles preserved Chicago Surface Lines 1908 built Pulman Standard Car Comapny cars # 144 and non operable # 460 at The Illinois Railway Museum locted in Union Illinois. www.irm.org
According to this photo....not much has changed traffic wise here in Chicago during the last 100 years. It is still the same congested MESS today in downtown Chicago.
Prior to 1914, there were actually several transit companies providing streetcar service in Chicago. Some of the company names included The Chicago City Railway Company, West Chicago Street Railway, Chicago Railways, and The Hammond, Whiting And East Chicago Street Railway.
The Chicago Surface Lines Company was created in 1914, largely due to a public outcry for municipal ownership of the competing transit companies providing streetcar service around Chicago, and the eventual amalgamation of them.
The succesor company known today as the Chicago Transit Authority, was created in 1945, but did not begin operations until May of 1947. By that time, the money was raised to purchase the Chicago Surface Lines, and the Chicago Rapid Transit Companies.
Just so You know, there was no such thing as Federal Mass Transit Funding back in Chicago's streetcar era. Chicago's transit systems and others around the nation, barely survived on their profits. Transit workers average around $1.00 a day pay wise during the early 1900's.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train with locomotives on both ends. Northbrook Illinois. February 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train with locomotives on both ends. Northbrook Illinois. February 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this wintertime digital live sound video, back in February of 2010,
The northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train enroute to Milwaukee Wisconsin, is viewed passing through the Metra commuter rail station in north suburban Northbrook Illinois,
I believe that it was the day after I had photographed this video, that the entire Chicagoland area was hit hard with a heavy lake effect snowstorm,
Tony's Subs on Waukegan Road. Deerfield Illinois. Tuesday night, October 19th, 2010.
Tony's Subs on Waukegan Road. Deerfield Illinois. Tuesday night, October 19th, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo after work recently, back in October of 2010.
No, this isn't an H.O Scale structure on somebody's model train layout. Tony's Subs on Waukegan Road in north suburban Deerfield Illinois, is a surviving example today, of the once many privately owned little roadside eateries from decades ago, that once lined the outlying roadways around the greater Chicagoland area.
The unique yet simple architecture and small proportions, would make this an ideal kitbashing or scratchbuilding project for almosy any hobbyist with a model train layout in their house.
Metra heavy track maintenance. Glenview Illinois. Monday, May 10th 2010.
Metra heavy track maintenance. Glenview Illinois. Monday, May 10th 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
The month of May in the year of 2010, was a very active period of heavy track naintenance on the Metra ex Milwaukee Road northline from Chicago to Fox Lake Illinois.
The north suburban villages of Morton Grove, Glenview and Northbrook, featured daily scenes of reack section crews and heavy specialized equipment working at various on site locations. Wooden railroad reack ties, were stacked lineside at many locations along the right of way.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Irv's Golf Range located at approximately West 70th Street and South Cicero Avenue. ( Gone.) Bedford Park Illinois. July 1986.
Irv's Golf Range located at approximately West 70th Street and South Cicero Avenue. ( Gone.) Bedford Park Illinois. July 1986.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hello everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
I found this old photo in My archives, that I had taken way back in July of 1986. We are on location along the west side of South Cicero Avenue at approximately West 70th Street, in southwest suburban Bedford Park Illinois. This plce now long gone, was known as Irv's Golf Range.
Irv's Golf Range was a fun and very family oriented little amusement place, located about 3/4 of a mile north of the Ford City Shopping Center on South Cicero Avenue, right next door to the Belt Railway of Chicago Clearing Yard facility.
I always enjoyed hitting a bucket of golf balls on the driving range, playing miniature golf, or spending time playing the arcade games. I came here quiete a bit with either family, friends or even solo from the early 1970's until the place closed in 1992.
Today, this is the site of two neighboring Target and Wal Mart stores.
This photo is facing south on a hot summer evening.
I miss Irv's Golf Range today.
Eddie K.
A last look at what was left of the GTW operations at the former Elsdon Yard. Chicago Illinois. August 1986.
A last look at what was left of the GTW operations at the former Elsdon Yard. Chicago Illinois. August 1986.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took tis now historic Chicago railroad photograph, way back in August of 1986.
I discovered the former Grand Trunk Western Railroad Elsdon Yard on West 51st Street, while I attended nearby Curie High School from 1977 to 1981. I enjoyed hanging out at this quaint railfan friendly train yard back in those days.
The Grand Trunk Western Railroad closed Elsdon Yard in October of 1983. The 1914 built roundhouse at West 49th Street and South Kedzie Avenue was abandoned, and would be demolished in late 1987 to make way for a strip mall. The 1888 built two story wooden Elsdon Depot on west 51st Street, was demolished in November of 1983.
For some unexplained reason or another, the GTW actually operated this little section of the former Elsdon Yard on West 51st Street just east of South Lawndale Avenue, as a makeshift locomotive and crew terminal until September of 1986. Sometimes I would see GTW locomotives being fueled here on site by tanker trucks.
I knew that time was running out for what little was actually left of the GTW Elsdon Yard, when i took this photo looking north from West 51st Street in August of 1986.
Sure enough, this little segment of Elsdon closed for good as a locomotive terminal the following month. I took this photo just in time.

I found this photo at My link page Fallen Flags. Org to the right of Your computer screen.
One railroad I always enjoyed seeing in Chicago during the 1970's and in to the early to mid 1980's, was the somewhat financially challenged Illinois Central Gulf.
The ICG was created from the August 10th, 1972 merger of the Illinois Central, and the Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad companies. Unfortunately...I witnessed most of My lineside ICG railroading,bfore I owned My first camera. For some odd reason or another, the ICG was one of those railroads where the trains never passed through when I was out there standing lineside on location with My camera in hand. Hmmm. I took few if any ICG pictures because of this.
Like many merged transportation companies, it could sometimes be several years before some of the equipment finally makes it to the company paint shop. I can recall seeing the former Gulf, Mobile & Ohio EMD model GP-30 roadswitchers like the example seen here, operating in the original and now very weather beaten G,M & O colors and markings as late as 1984.
I lived approximately one mile north of the ICG's Iowa Division Mainline in My old neighborhood in Chicago during the 1970's and 80's
Westbound Union Pacific unit coal train passing through a thick morningfog. River Forest Illinois. November 2006.
Westbound Union Pacific unit coal train passing through a thick morning fog. River Forest Illinois. November 2006.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo on a very wet and foggy typical November morning back in 2006.
Seen here, is a slow moving westbound Union Pacific Railroad empty unit coal train, passing through the elevated Metra River Forest commuter rail station at Thatcher Avenue, in River Forest Illinois.
Silent digital video: The Octopus ride in action. Kiddieland Amusement Park. Melrose Park Illinois. June 2007.
Silent digital video: The Octopus ride in action. Kiddieland Amusement Park. Melrose Park Illinois. June 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this unique silent digital video with My old digital camera I used to own, back in June of 2007.
We are at the sight of Chicago's recently closed Kiddieland Amusement Park in near northwest suburban Melrose Park Illinois.
Kiddieland existed in business at the location of Noth and First Avenues in Melrose Park Illinois from 1928 until 2009.
It was a damp evening when I shot this video in June of 2007. Seen here in action, is the park's Octopus ride on the east midway.
Kiddieland closed for good on Sunday, September 27th, 2009.
A Costco store has been erected here in 2010.
Pennsylvania Railroad 4-4-2 Atlantic type steam locomotive # 779. Elizabeth New Jersey USA. June 5th, 1919.
Pennsylvania Railroad 4-4-2 Atlantic type steam locomotive # 779. Elizabeth New Jersey USA. June 5th, 1919.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
This photo appears vis the Link page Fallenflags.org.
The date ofthis photo is June 5th, 1919. One of the mighty Pennsylvania Railroads fast passenger trains, is viewed passing through Elizabeth New Jersey behind 4-4-2 Atlantic type steam locomotive # 779.
Eastbound BNSF Railway unit coal train passing under the Congress Park overhead block signal bridge. Brookfield Illinois. December 2006.
Eastbound BNSF Railway unit coal train passing under the Congress Park overhead block signal bridge. Brookfield Illinois. December 2006.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo one morning in December of 2006.
An eastbound BNSF Railway unit coal train, passes underneath the Congress Park overhead signal bridge, at the Prairie Avenue railroad crossing in west suburban Brookfield Illinois.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Looking north on State Street in downtown Chicago Illinois. september2006.
Looking north on State Street in downtown Chicago Illinois. september 2006.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hello everyone!
Welcome aboard the "Bus Day" edition of Eddie's Railfan Page.
I took this photo back in September of 2006. Several Chicago Transit Authority buses, are viewed picking up and dropping off passengers on State Street in downtown Chicago.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Pace bus on Green Bay Road. Wilmette Illinois. Early April 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Pace bus on Green Bay Road. Wilmette Illinois. Early April 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video, during the early Springtime of 2010.
We are facing westbound on Central Avenue in north suburban Wilmette Illinois around sunrise. A northbound Pace bus in viewed passing by on Green Bay Road on this early April morning.
Digital Live Sound Video: Westbound Pace bus crossing the Union Pacific railroad tracks on West Lake Avenue. Glenview Illinois. August 2010.

I spotted this photo recently on the internet, at the website "Tom's Trolley Bus Pictures" www.trolleybuses.net. This photo was taken in Chicago Illinois, at the intersection of North Western and West Montrose Avenues in the year of 1970.
One of My happy memories from growing up in Chicago during the 1960's and early 1970's era, was riding the remaining 1950's era CTA propane powered transit buses that were built by the Flxible Twin Coach Company.
As I recall, these buses had a unique two tone green interior. The area below the windows, was painted in a shade of Teel green, while the area above the windows was painted in an aqua green color. These buses had soft vinyl seats in a medium green color. When these buses were built, they came equipped with individual incadescent interior lights. Flourescent interior lights wich are todays industry standard, would not be introduced on transit buses until the early 1960's.
These propane powered buses, had windows wich actually were set pretty high up in the bus body. On Adult passengers, the bottom window sill rested at eye leval. For a little Boy like Myself...I either had to sit on My Mother's Lap or kneel on the seat to look out the windows.
These buses operated relatively quiet, but had idled rough and were sluggish upon take off or acceleration. The Chicago Transit Authority retired these buses during the early 1970's. The last time I witnessed these propane buses operate, was in January of 1973. For one month, the CTA assigned several of these old soon to be retired buses to the CTA Route # 60 Blue Island line. That was the last time I ever saw these in service.
Eddie K.

I spotted this photo on the internet recently.
A popular style of transit buses found in many North American citties during the 1960's and 70's era, were the Fishbowl Windshield style buses introduced by the Flxible bus company during the early 1960's.
This example, is painted in the colors and markings of the New Jersey Transit System.

I found this old electric trolley bus photograph taken in the city of Detroit Michigan way back in the year of 1935, at the website Tom's Trolley Bus Pictures www.trolleybuses.net
The Detroit Department of Street Railways had an "On again, Off again" affair with electric trolleybus operations until the year of 1962, when they finally decided not to discontinue them altogether.
The bus that is seen here, was manufactured by the Twin Coach Company of Kent Ohio.
Here in the Windy City of Chicago Illinois, the same model of Twin Coach Company electric powered trolley buses, opened service on Chicago's first electric trolley bus line. That line being, The Chicago Surface Lines Company ( Pre CTA) CSL Route # 76 Diversey Avenue Line on April 17th, 1930.
The Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe Illinois USA. Wednsday, September 15th, 2010.
The Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe Illinois USA. Wednsday, September 15th, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo, during My recent September 2010 visit to The Chicago Botanic Garden in north suburban Glencoe Illinois.
Seen here on the foreward interior bulkhead panel of the garden's tram ride, is an important safety message for all onboard passengers to read and obey.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mold A Rama souvenier vending machine inside Chicago's Brookfield Zoo.Brookfield Illinois. September 2010.
Mold A Rama souvenier vending machine inside Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. Brookfield Illinois. September 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Hello everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois USA.
I took this photo during a recent September 2010 visit to Chicago's Brookfield Zoo in west suburban Brookfield Illinois. One of My happy childhood memories, was My Parents occasionally purchasing for Me an injection molded souvenier animal sculpture souvenier, from the Mold -A -Rama vending machine at Chicago's Brookfield Zoo.
Believe it or not...they are still using the same machines they did almost 40 years ago today! Definately good quality craftsmanship!
Back in the early 1970's, I used to have several of these mold- a- rama sculptures. They were all gone by the time I was a teenager though.
The Brookfield Zoo used to have a steam train circling the park from 1967 until 1985, and one of the sculptures I used to own, was actually a black steam locomotive representing the zoo's train.
The Mold-A-Rama machines are still pumping out little wax sculptures today at The Brookfield Zoo, and the old zoo train today resides at The Hesston Steam Museum near Michigan City Indiana undergoing restoration. www.hesston.org
Eddie K.
Former Denver & Rio Grande Western locomotive acquired through merger. The Union Pacific M-19A Diesel Shop. Chicago Illinois. October 2006.
Railfanning The East Troy Electric 5/30/2009
I spotted this video today on You Tube.
Being a railfan Myself, I have always had a tremendous interest in electric railroading subjects. Electric powered streetcars and cross country Interurban trolleys of past decades ago, have always inspired Me.
This video was photographed at a place that I have actually visited a handful of times in the past. The East Troy Electric Railroad and Museum in East Troy Wisconsin.
The River Grove Metra commuter rail station. River Grove Illinois. November 2007.
The River Grove Metra commuter rail station. River Grove Illinois. November 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
One location I occasionally enjoy spending time railfanning with a camera in My hand, is the Metra River Grove commuter rail station, located just west of Elmwood Park Illinois.
This depot is located on the west side of Thatcher Avenue / Illinois U.S Route# 171 just north of Grand Avenue in north suburban River Grove Illinois.
It can be a very busy location with Canadian Pacific freight trains, Metra commuter trains, and in possibly a few years from now...The proposed "New" Amtrak Blackhawk from Chicago Illinois to Du Buque Iowa. ( It is currently in the planning stages.)
Silent digital video: Northbound orange Gomaco replica streetcar on Main Street. The Memphis Main Street Trolley. Memphis Tennesee. September 2007.
Silent digital video: Northbound orange Gomaco replica streetcar on Main Street. The Memphis Main Street Trolley. Memphis Tennesee. September 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this silent igital video with My old digital camera I used to own, during a September 2007 vacation to the city of Memphis Tennesee.
A northbound Gomaco single truck early 1900's era replica streetcar, passes trough the intersection of Main Street and Madison Avenue in downtown Memphis Tennesee.
Western Pacific 2-8-0 # 37 leading a freight train over the high bridge, at the west entrance to Altamont Pass in 1936.
Western Pacific 2-8-0 # 37 leading a freight train over the high bridge, at the west entrance to Altamont Pass in 1936.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
Although I never lived anywhere near the Western Pacific Railroad had operated, or seen this railroad firsthand...I was always fascinated by the old WP nonetheless. The steam era WP in particular.
I spotted this photo recently on the intrnet, at a site known as Yesteryear Depot. Com, wich is now a Link page to the right of Your computer screen.
This photo was taken ion location at northern California's Altamont Pass way back in 1936.
Chicago RTA locomotives backing in to La Salle Street Station. Chicago Illinois. Nov 1983.
Chicago RTA locomotives backing in to La Salle Street Station. Chicago Illinois. Nov 1983.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
This is one of the earliest railfan photographs I had taken.
We are looking north from the West Roosevelt Road overpass bridge south of downtown Chicago, during an overcast November morning in 1983.
Two pre Metra Chicago RTA EMD F-40PH commuter service locomotives, are viewed backing in to La Salle Street station.
There has been much construction here during the 1990's, as
the area to the right of the locomotives is the site of a large Target store today.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Heavy fog at the sightseeing boat landings. Lake Geneva Wisconsin. October 1986.
Heavy fog at the sightseeing boat landings. Lake Geneva Wisconsin. October 1986.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo during an October 1986 visit to Lake Geneva Wisconsin.
It is late in whatever is left of the 1986 boating season on Lake Geneva, and a heavy fog has visibility just about down to zero.
There will be no sightseeing cruises today.
I took this really unique photo on a very hot summer day back in July of 2007.
We are facing east from the north or "Westbound" platform at the Metra Grand / Cicero Avenue commuter rail station on the near northside of Chicago Illinois.
A somewhat quick moving eastbound Canadian Pacific transfer freight train, passes through the station and is now entering the Belt Railway of Chicago interchange at Cragin Junction. This train is more than likely enroute to the Belt Railway of Chicago Clearing Yard in southwest suburban Bedford Park near Chicago's Midway Airport.
The other train, is a soon to be westbound Norfolk Southern freight train waiting on a hold order. Once the dispatcher gives the clearance order, the Norfolk Southern train will depart from the Belt Railway of Chicago trackage at Cragin Junction, and head westbound over the Canadian Pacific ex Milwaukee Road mainline.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Metra evening rush hour local commuter train departing from the Lake Cook Road train station. Deerfield Illinois. Tuesday, March 30th 2010.
Digital Live Sound Video: Northbound Metra evening rush hour local commuter train departing from the Lake Cook Road train station. Deerfield Illinois. Tuesday, March 30th 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video after work one early Springtime evening, back on Tuesday, March 30th, 2010.
We are facing south on the Lake Cook Road viaduct, wich the platforms of the Metra Lake Cook Road station in north suburban Deerfield Illinois occupy.
A northbound Metra rush hour evening local enroute to Fox Lake Illinois, is viewed departing the Lake Cook Road station in Deerfield Illinois before sunset.
The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Sunday, September 12th, 2010.
The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Sunday, September 12th, 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo during My recent September 2010 visit to The Hesston Steam Museum in northwestern Indiana.
The museum's former East German DR meter guage 0-8-0 steam locomotive is recieving a once over inspection at the Hesston Junction depot by a crew member, as it simmers between runs near the end of the days operations.
The Union Pacific Railroad M-19A Diesel Shop. Chicago Illinois. April 2010.
The Union Pacific Railroad M-19A Diesel Shop. Chicago Illinois. April 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo in early April of 2010.
We are facing north from adjacent West Kinzie Street , just east of North Kilbourn Avenue on the west side of Chicago Illinois.
Several Union Pacific Railroad road freight service locomotives, are seen idling at the Union Pacific M-19A Diesel Shop facility.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The 1888 built Grand Trunk Western Elsdon depot. Chicago Illinois USA. October 1983.
The 1888 built Grand Trunk Western Elsdon depot. Chicago Illinois USA. October 1983.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
One of My earliest railfan hang out locations I had come to know and love, was the Grand Trunk Western Railroad's Elsdon Station on West 51st Street just east of South Lawndale Avenue in Chicago's Elsdon neighborhood.
I discovered this place when I attended nearby Curie High School from 1977 to 1981. I would sometimes hang out here after school, and sit on that wooden bench to the right of the photo. Best of all, the GTW crews were really nice and actually didn't mind this at all. Unfortunately, I did not own My first camera yet back then.
The GTW closed Elsdon Yard in October of 1983, and demolished the depot shown here in November of 1983. It was all gone too soon.
I took this photo during the last week of operation in October of 1983.
Digital Live Sound Video: Eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train. Brookfield Illinois. July 2008.
Digital Live Sound Video: Eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train. Brookfield Illinois. July 2008.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I photographed this digital live sound video one evening back in July of 2008.
We are facing west at the Prairie Avenue railroad crossing in west suburban Brookfield Illinois. The sun has just set and night time skies are now upon the greater Chicagoland area.
An eastbound BNSF Railway double stack container train, breaks the silence of the approaching summer night.
The Little Island Hot Dog Stand. Evanston Illinois. Early November 2010.
The Little Island Hot Dog Stand. Evanston Illinois. Early November 2010.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
A popular roadside eatery in Chicago's northern Cook County suburbs, is The Little Island Hot Dog Stand in north suburban Evanston Illinois.
This little establishment wich resembles what could at one time have been an old fashioned gasoline station from the 1920's and 30's era, is locate at the intersetion of Central Street, Gross Point Road and Crawford Avenue where the towns of Evanston, Skokie and Wilmette meet up.
I will have to stop there sometime soon, as this place always appears to be busy whenever I pass it by in traffic.

I spotted this old streetcar photograph from Detroit Michigan at My link page Dave's Electric Railroads to the rigyt of Your computer screen. www.davesrailpix.com
The photo is dated May 12th, 1946.
Seen here is a Detroit Department of Street Railways "Peter Witt" style single ended streetcar assigned to the Route # 20 Oakland line on Witherell at Broadway in the city of Detroit Michigan.
Peter Witt, was a man who was once the president of the Detroit Department of Street Railways during the 20th Century, and had designed and pattented this carbody style.
Many transit systems around North America had owned Petr Witt style cars in both single and double ended versions. The Chicago Surface Lines Company had purchased Peter Witt style cars during the 1920's, but were refered to as "Sedans" by many Chicgoans do to their roomy interiors.
This particular door arrangement proved to be popular, and eventually became the industry standard on transit buses.
A Detroit Department of Street Railways Peter Witt car that was oiginally preserved at The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan, is now on display inside one of the barns at The Illinois Railway Museum in the town of Union Illinois. www.irm.org
The visiting Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus train. Chicago Illinois. October 2007.
The visiting Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus train. Chicago Illinois. October 2007.
Originally uploaded by Eddie from Chicago
I took this photo back in October of 2007, at the Metra / Hanson Park commuter flagstop depot just below the North Central Avenue overpass bridge.
Once again, the famous Ringling Brother's and Barnum & Bailey circus is in town visiting the Windy city as it does every Autum.
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