Hello everybody!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page. I have recieved many nice
E-Mail responses from Railfans, and Non Transportation fans-
alike. your input to this new site, wich had just started up on
Febuary 8 2006 is always greatly appreciated. Thank You.
My photo collection, seen here at this site, is mainly from the city
of Chicago Illinois , and the many surrounding suburban towns
that make up the "Greater Chicagoland Area" as our locals say.
Many of the photographs were taken during the 1980's, some
later. I occasionally enjoy doing a posting or two for all of the
"Bus Fans" out in cyberspace as well. Buses and trains make for
a fine transportation page. (Especially from the windy city.)
Just recently, I recieved "Wonderful News" via E-Mail that My site
Eddie's Railfan Page was seen and enjoyed by a Gentlemen from
England with a "Railfan Page" of his own here at Blogspot.com
I have had the pleasure of meeting and exchanging E-Mails with
a gentlemen named "Lain", who's site can be reached by clicking on
this link shown here.
http://railwayroundabout.blogspot.comThis site from a "Fellow Railfan" features Railroad Subjects from
England and Japan. This is a fascinating Railfan Site for people
who enjoy International Railway subjects, or may have actually
travelled to or actually lived near his subject locations. It is -
especially nice just knowing that Railfans from all over this world
can meet and form friendships here at this blog network.
Thank You Lain. ou are actually My "First" International Contact
here at Eddie's Railfan Page. We must eventually do "Tea Together".
Thanks Everybody. Enjoy your ride.
Edward Kwiatkowski (Eddie)