On one of My many visits to the Hesston Steam Museum in Hesston Indianna, I had the pleasure of capturing this Right Place / Right Time -photograph of the Steam Train being Refueled online during one of the days runs. The engine crew member is standing on top of one of the Side Tanks used for water with a shovel in hand. He is Transloading Coal from the bucket of the John Deer Tractor, to a little compartment bin located directly in front of the locomotive cab. This four wheel industrial steam locomotive was built in 1940 in Czechloslovakia. Behind the steam dome can be seen a Large American steam whistle. Directly attatched to the front of the cab is the very tiny and quiete Shrill European steam whistle, wich is used on occasion.
Hi Eddie
Seeing this one has inspired me to add a narrow gauge entry myself tonight!
I've also added a bookmark on 'Railway Roundabout' linking to this site - hope that is OK. I figure if anyone is interested in reading mine they will be interested in reading yours.
I don't have an email for you but I can always be reached on iain(at)littlehouseinthepaddy(dot)net
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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