The Lyons Public Library located at 4209 Joliet Avenue in west suburban Lyons Illinois, welcomes local Chicago Historian and "Railfan" Eddie K on Saturday,
October 8th from 1:00 until 3:00 PM.
Eddie K, is known as the host and photographer of a local Chicago based internet
transportation site known as "Eddie's Railfan Page".
Eddie will be hosting a "Railfan Photo Slideshow", for anybody who enjoys trains
and other transportation subjects at the library. Admission is free.
Due to many requests, Eddie will be showing an historic homemade musical photo
slideshow set to authentic historic period music entitled...
"When Chicago Rode The Streetcars"!
If You or someone You know, were one of the many people who grew up in the city
of Chicago Illinois prior to the end of CTA electric streetcar operations in 1958,
then You won't wan't to miss this historic presentation of happy Chicago memories.
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