Hello everyone.
This is your host and photographer Edward Kwiatkowski, saying Thank You for all the great support you have given My "Railfan Page". This web page is meant to be fun and educational. You have made that a reality.
This particulair Site is open to anybody who enjoys transportation or photography subjects. You don't necesarilly have to be a Train or Bus fan to enjoy My site, or Native Chicagoan either.
Finding those old Photographs I took 20 years ago or so during My "Railfan Heyday", the support and Encouragement many friends gave me, and a New Found motivation to go "Back" to shooting Train and Bus photo's after Many years, will Keep this site going for a long time.
You have been a Wonderful Cyber Audience, and I enjoy having You aboard. You the people who "Log On" to Eddie's Railfan Page" are My creative inspiration.
Thank You.
Edward Kwiatkowski. Chicago area railfan photographer.
p.s All My friends call me Eddie.