Another era in Chicago's alternative vocational trade school programs and facilities is meeting the wrecking ball. Seen here on the southwest corner of South Kedzie Avenue and West 31st Street, is the former Washburne Trade School wich was owned and operated by the Chicago Public Schools. Myself, and several of My Curie High School Alumni, as well as students from Kelly and other CPS High Schools attended here during the early 1980's. Washburne trade School had learning technical programs in the career fields of Electrical engineers, Capentry, A Chef progrm, welding, Auto Shop, Body and Fender, and Vending Machine Repair. The 1980's were a very hard Recessionary period economically in the city of Chicago, and on a number of occasions...The Industry reps who bragged about Career Opportunities on Orientation Day, represented companies who were either -Laying off workings, Cutting their staff, Filing for bankruptcy, or were just all out having a company Hiring Freeze at the time. I actually approached one of those vending industry "Braggers", and He gave Me a sob story of Half of their staff being laid off. ( Boooo!)
Washburne Trade School eventually closed around 1989 or 1990, and has been abandoned since.
Plans at this time are to develope this site into a large city park.
The smaller building on the corner is now completely gone--it came down about a month ago. I have some 'before & after' photos HERE. I've been documenting the demolition of WTS, so it's interesting to read the comments of someone who actually went there.
Washburne Trade School was a local fraud! I couldn't find work immediately after high school, so I guess a second hand education at an institution like this was ok at the time being. There was NEVER any toilet paper in the Men's room, and for some odd reason...The really intelegent people wrote on the bathroom walls. Ha ha ha!
Me and My fellow apprentices enjoyed having a sandwich and a beer at lunchtime, over at a local Mexican Tavern at South Spaulding Avenue and West 30th Street called "Casa Azul" ( Blue House.)
Although Washburne wasn't what it was cracked up to be, I met My future "Best Man" for My wedding at Washburne in 1981. Although Washburne is gone, Best Friends last and stand the test of time.
Thank You.
Eddie K.
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