I passed by the Yellow Submarine for many years, and often wondered if there was any affiliation what so ever with the 1966 Beatles hit song "Yellow Submarine."Was there?
The Yellow Submarine was located just west of the intersection of Archer and Oak Park Avenue, and has unfortunately closed recently.
I grew up in the southwest area and I apprciate all of your photos. Wish I would have taken more photos back then. Brings back many memmories. If not for the photos, they would be lost forever
Hi Winslow!
Thank You for that really nice compliment. Yes, I just dont take Railfan or Family photographs strictly. I found out a long time ago...that it is good to take a random snap shot or two of buildings or neighborhood street signs. Many things I have photographed since the 1980's when I really began, have since come and gone. Many are now lost due to a glut of real estate developments, or other social and / or economic factors today.
By all means, don't listen to those stupid narrow minded Critics who critisize You for taking a random photo of a bus or a building. Just do it and You wont be sorry in the long run.
Thank You.
Eddie K.
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