I took this photo looking west around sunset, in December of 1982. This is the famous , Sabre Room banquette hall and entertainment supper club in southwest suburban Hickory Hills Illinois. My family attended many a holiday dinner show here during the early to late 1980's. West 95th street in this area, was still mostly wooded land at this point in time, but would soon redevelope in a few years, with numerous condominium luxury apartment buildings along this stretch of former country like scenery.
Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Sabre Room banquette hall sign on West 95th Street. Hickory Hills Illinois USA. December 1982.
I took this photo looking west around sunset, in December of 1982. This is the famous , Sabre Room banquette hall and entertainment supper club in southwest suburban Hickory Hills Illinois. My family attended many a holiday dinner show here during the early to late 1980's. West 95th street in this area, was still mostly wooded land at this point in time, but would soon redevelope in a few years, with numerous condominium luxury apartment buildings along this stretch of former country like scenery.
Eastbound Canadian Pacific freight train. River Grove Illinois USA. Friday, December 1st, 2006 snowstorm.
A former Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad coal hopper in transit. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2007.
One of the nice things about railfanning is, occasionally equipment in colors and markings from long gone historic predecessor railroads will show up sometimes. I photographed this former Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad coal hopper car, on an eastbound Union Pacific freight train entering Chicago Illinois in August of 2007
Westbound Metra commuter local. Elmwood Park Illinois USA. Early Febuary 2008.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The original Ford City sign on South Pulaski Road. Chicago Illinois USA. October 1982.
I took this photo at South Pulaski Road and west 76th Street, in October of 1982. I was attending a photography night class at nearby Daley College. This I believe, was proboubly My very first 35 MM night time photo. The original roadside Ford City sign, was replaced with a new one in 1988 when the mall was being extensively remodeled.
A former Conrail auto rack car in transit. Mc Cook Junction. Mc Cook Illinois USA. January 2007.
I took this photo on a sunny, but bitterly cold winter morning in early January of 2007. I spotted this pre 1999 former Conrail auto rack car in transit, aboard a northbound Union Pacific auto rack train. The train was heading northbound over the Indiana Harbor Belt line, and was passing through the BNSF Railway crosstracks here at Mc Cook Junction near Lyons Illinois.
Saint Louis & San Francisco Railroad steam locomotive # 1630. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. June 1981.
Belt Railway of Chicago caboose # 126. Bedford Park Illinois USA. August 2007.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Chicago's North Clark Street drawbridge at midnight. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2008.
I took this late night photo around midnight, in September of 2008. Except for the occasional sound of passing traffic , a distant police or fire department siren, or even the occasional passing of a CTA rapid transit train, downtown Chicago Illinois was pretty quiet at the time of My visit. This is the south side of the North Clark Street drawbridge over the Chicago River. Even this temporarilly quiet photo, sets a late night, nocturnal , after hours sort of mood.
Steam train approaching the enginehouse siding lead. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. June 1991.
I took this photo on a June 1991 visit to the Hesston Steam Museum in northwest Indiana. Already more than halfway through the journey via the scenic woods, the 2 foot narrow guage steam train, is seen approaching the siding that leads to the enginehouse. This meter guage 0-4-0 T steam locomotive, is originally from Czechloslovakia and was built in 1940.
Eastbound Metra commuter local preparing to depart from the Galewood commuter rail station. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2008.
The conductor of an eastbound Metra commuter local enroute to Chicago Union Station, gives a hand signal to his fellow train conductors behind him that the passengers in his car have all boarded and disembarked at the Metra, Galewood commuter flagstop depot. Once all of the hand signals have been given amongst each other, the engineer will get his as well as a handheld radio transmission. The train will then proceed onward to Union Station in downtown Chicago Illinois. An everyday scene of evening rush hour commuter railroading.
Sunset on an industrial spur siding. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2008.
I took this photo on an October 2008 visit, to the Canadian National ex Illinois Central RR Crawford Yard. Just west of the yard itself, is this factory spur siding. The covered hopper car, factory silos, and other features are now being silhouted by the setting Autum sun. In the background is a southbound freight train at Hawthorne Junction, traveling over the Belt Railway of Chicago tracks along the border at west suburban Cicero Illinois.
Wintertime at the Fox River Trolley Museum. South Elgin Illinois USA. December 2007.
I took this photo on a sunny but cold December afternoon, in late 2007. Although closed for the season with nobody around, the Fox River Trolley Museum made for a nice photo subject in a winter setting. Illinois and other parts of the Midwest, had recently experienced some snowstorm activity. The fresh snow on the ground, crisp winter air, and variable sunshine and clouds, made for some nice photographic conditions.I was passing through South Elgin, and couldn't resist the opportunity to photograph one of My favorite transportation museums.
Seen here are two Chicago Transit Authority 1959 vintage 5-50 series double ended rapid transit cars. These cars were built by the Saint louis Car Company from components that were salvaged from retired and scrapped CTA PCC electric streetcars.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Autum colors alongside Wellington Street. Elmwood Park Illinois USA. Early November 2008.
Hi everyone!
welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page.
I took this photo in near northwest suburban Elmwood Park Illinois, one bright and sunny morning in early November of 2008. I spotted this tree with brightly colored gold seasonal foliage, at the corner of Wellington Street and 76th Court. This was one of Autums last "Hurrahs", as this tree and the surrounding ones near it, would soon shed all of their leaves, and begin their winter look. Autum is a colorful and very scenic time of the year in Elmwood Park.
CSX TRansportation Company EMD roadswitcher # 6443. Cicero Illinois USA. Late October 2008.
I took this photo on an overcast Autum afternoon, in Late October of 2008. CSX locomotive # 6443, was coupled up to an early 1960's vintage EMD model GP-30 roadswitcher today. Together these two locomotives were the motive power in charge of the CSX Transportation Co West 16th Street industrial switching local, in west suburban Cicero Illinois. The cab side markings indicate, that locomotive # 6443, is an EMD 2nd Generation model GP 40-2 roadswitcher.
Westbound Metra rush hour commuter local. Photographed at the Amtrak / Metra, La Grange Road commuter rail station. La Grange Illinois USA. April 2007
I took this photo after work on a rain soaked springtime evening, in early April of 2007. A cold rain was pouring heavilly when I took this photo at the Amtrak /Metra commuter station at La Grange Road. The stainless steel commuter coach consist, was getting a bath from Mother Nature. I got soaked taking this photo, but it was worth it just the same. Railfanning, is an outdoor activity. It isn't always sunny when Myself and fellow railfans go on location with our cameras.
Switching activity at the Belt Railway of Chicago, Clearing Yard. Chicago / Bedford Park Illinois USA. July 2007.
I took this photo after work one hot summer afternoon, in July of 2007. We are looking east from the South Cicero Avenue overpass bridge near West 67th Street. Seen here on the "East" or "Chicago" side of the South Cicero Avenue overpass bridge, are a Belt Railway of Chicago large EMD roadswitcher and a trailing non powered ( No prime mover /Engine block) Slug Unit for heavy switching duty. Slug units are usually rebuilt from components of retired or scrapped diesel locomotives.
The slug unit gets electrical power to the traction motors on the trucks, from the diesel roadswitcher coupled to it via electrical cables. Only the trucks are powered, while the carbody above the frame, is ballasted for weight and traction.
Autum at Hawthorne JUnction. Chicago / Cicero Illinois USA. October 2008.
When going outdoors on location in the fresh air and sunshine to a favorite junction or train watching location, Autum is certainly one of the most colorful times of the year to do as such. I took this photo looking south along the Belt Railway of Chicago trackage. A southbound transfer train, is slowly moving along past gold autum foliage at the Chicago city limits. The train is one of several transfer trains that head to the Belt Railway of Chicago, Clearing Yard in southwest suburban Bedford Park daily.
Northbound Union Pacific auto rack train. Mc Cook Junction. Mc Cook Illinois USA. Early January 2007.
I took this photo on a very brightly sunlit, but also very bitterly cold winter morning in early January of 2007. A northbound Union Pacific Railroad unit train of auto rack cars traveling over the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, is seen crossing the BNSF Railway crosstracks at Mc Cook Junction near Lyons Illinois. In the background can be seen, the Vulcan Materials Corporation.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The old Fun Zone pinball and video arcade. Chicago Illinois USA. January 1980.
I took this old photo, in January of 1980. This was the old Fun Zone pinball and video amusement arcade that was located just west of the intersection of South Archer Avenue and Pulaski Road, in Chicago's Archer Heights neighborhood. I attended nearby Curie High School across the street from here, from 1977 to 1981. Fun zone was one of My favorite high school hangouts. I enjoyed coming here at lunchtime. I recall that I had actually spent many a lunch time here during My Sophmore, Junior and Senior years attending Curie High School. I usually stopped by here after eating lunch, and would wind down My lunch period playing a pinball game or two, or even the jukebox. This was a happy memory for Me seeing this old photo again.
Southbound CSX Transportation intermodal train passing through Brighton Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2006.
I took this photo one overcast Autum morning, in October of 2006. Big changes were on the drawing board for the very technologically outdated Brighton Junction at South Archer and western Avenues. Preparations were already in progress for new automated train signals. The days of manual stop and go dispatching, would be disappearing the following year. New block signals were already in place on the Canadian National ex Gulf, Mobile & Ohio east and west mainline. A southbound CSX Transportation Company intermodal transfer train, is seen slowly proceeding through the crosstrack junction, after recieving clearance from the signal man working in the shanty. A few moments before, one of the mechanical manually operated semaphore signals was raised with an audible Squueeeeek! Click!
Brighton Junction was phased out as our nations "Last" manually operated railroad junction, wich dated back to the steam era. The shanty and manual semaphore signals were last operated on July 3rd, 2007, and was officially taken out of service. A large tall new overherhead block signal bridge replaced the old north and south Semaphore signals. Two sets of Semaphore Signals and the operators little shack, were destined for museum preservation at two different railroad museums.
An era has ended on Chicago's near southwest side.
Tank cars in the late day sun at Crawford Yard. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2008.
I took this late afternoon photo, on a June 2008 visit to the Canadian National ex Illinois Central crawford Yard, on Chicago's near southwest side. Although there wasn't any railroad switching activity at the Crawford Yard site at the time of My visit here with good friend and fellow Chicago railfan Anthony C., Nearby Hawthorne junction to the immediate west found several north and southbound transfer train movements over the Belt Railway of Chicago trackage.
Westbound Canadian Pacific two car freight local passing through the Galewood, Metra commuter rail depot. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2008.
I took this photo around sunset, one evening in October of 2008. After waiting on a connecting siding for several east and westbound Metra express commuter trains to come speeding past this area, the crew of a two car Canadian Pacific local freight train has recieved permission from the dispatcher to proceed west on the mainline.
This photo was taken looking west, from the Metra, Galewood commuter flagstop depot on North Narragansett Avenue. The local is seen passing through the depot, as another Autum day in Chicago comes to a close.
Westbound Metra commuter local. Chicago Illinois USA. December 2006.
Eastbound Metra express commuter train. La Grange Illinois USA. Early March 1998.
I took this photo after work one afternoon in early March of 1998. We are looking west toward the La Grange Road railroad crossing. An eastbound Metra express commuter train, speeds past the Amtrak /La Grange Road commuter rail sttion in downtown west suburban La Grange Illinois. The train is traveling over the BNSF Railway.
Southbound Union Pacific freight train. Alsip Illinois USA. November 1989.
Westbound Metra / Union Pacific ,West line commuter local. Elmhurst Illinois USA. Febuary 2007.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Firestone Tire and Auto Center on North Harlem and west Sunnyside Avenue's. Harwood Heights Illinois USA. August 2008.
Hi everyone!
welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from Chicago Illinois.
I took this photo one My way to work one morning, in August of 2008. Before I was rotated to 2nd shift at My bus company in September of 2008, I was getting up for work at 4:00 AM, and had the pleasure of seeing the sunrise on My morning commute to the bus garage. I took this photo just after 5:00 AM, one morning in August of 2008.
this is the large Firestone Tire and Auto Center in northwest suburban Harwood Heights Illinois. This is one of those old Firestone garages, that proudly stil has a large roadside neon sign, that heralds back to the 1950's and 60's era. I have had My car serviced here many times by quality trained professional personal, with wonderful courteous and professional service. A job well done always.
This Firestone with the large roadside baby boomer era neon sign, is located on the northeast corner of North Harlem and west Sunnyside Avenues, just north of the Harlem Irving Plaza.
A former Illinois Central unit in the locomotive consist. La Grange Park Illinois USA. November 2007.
I took this photo on a very rainy morning in November of 2007. We see a southbound Canadian National transfer train traveling over the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad line, near the 31st Street railroad crossing. Seen here in a mixed rainbow like selection of railroad color schemes, is this black and white Illinois Central EMD roadswitcher locomotive. The Canadian National acquired the Illinois Central Railroad through a merger in the year of 1999.
Westbound Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad intermodal train. Forest View Illinois USA. December 1990.
This is one of My favorite photos I took in pre BNSF Railway times. I climbed up to the top of the railroad embankment east of South Harlem Avenue near West 46th Street,one Sunday afternoon in December of 1990. Seen here, is a freshly painted lash up of silver and red Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe locomotives in the pre 1971 passenger train" Warbonnet" color scheme revival image, that the Santa Fe reintroduced in 1989. In 1995, the Burlington Northern Railroad, and the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe merged and became todays BNSF Railway. December of 1990, was a relatively warm month that year, with mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine to acompany that straw brown scenery.
A speeding westbound Metra / Union Pacific, West line train passing underneath the BRC flyover junction. Chicago Illinois USA. November 2006.
I took this photo after work one evening around sunset, in November of 2006. We are looking west on west Kinzie Street near the turn at North Kenton Avenue. A speeding westbound Metra / Union Pacific, West line comuter train enroute to Elburn Illinois, is seen passing underneath the Belt Railway of Chicago, Flyover junction. prior to 1998, this particular east and west railroad line, was the Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad.
Looking up at the locomotive cab of Central Illinois Railroad # 1206. Chicago Illinois USA. Friday, October 31st, 2008.
There is nothing like that classic and distinctive EMD postwar styling on their line of SW and NW model yard switchers. I took this photo around 8:00 AM in the locomotive storage yard and headquarters, of the privately owned Chicago industrial shortline railroad, known as the Central Illinois Railroad. Just recently, the company's new management gave the approval for the crew ( Who are also railfans.)
to repaint the badly grafitti tagged 1950's era EMD SW-9 # 1206, into a very classic 1950's era Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad "Heritage" color scheme. Prior to 1970, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad operated this branchline, using EMD SW series yard switchers in this color scheme. Everything old is new again.
Northbound Norfolk Southern freight train with a former Conrail locomotive up front. Bridgeview Illinois USA. September 2006.
I took this night time train photo, looking southeast from the 71st Street railroad crossing in Bridgeview Illinois. A northbound Norfolk Southern freight train, is seen traveling over the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad, on a cloudy September evening in 2006. On the front of the train, We see a blue former Conrail locomotive. Conrail was absorbed via a two way merger between the Norfolk Southern, and CSX Transportation Company in 1999.
Westbound Metra commuter local arriving at the Itasca , Metra commuter rail station. Itasca Illinois USA. October 2008.
Northbound BNSF Railway light engine movement. Hawthorne Junction. Chicago / Cicero Illinois USA. Early October 2007.
I took this photo after work one Autum afternoon, in early October of 2007. A small lash up of locomotives from the BNSF Railway, is seen heading northbound over the Belt Railway of Chicago tracks at Hawthorne JUnction, and are returning to the nearby BNSF Railway Clyde Yard in west suburban Cicero Illinois. These light running locomotives, have just passed over the Canadian National ex Illinois Central crosstracks.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Those wonderful pizza outings with the guys. Gino's East Pizzeria in Oak Lawn Illinois. ( Gone.) December 2000.
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page.
One activity I have come to enjoy, are those occasional and very special pizza outings that Me and My buddys get together for once in a while. This photo was taken in December of 2000, at the long gone "Gino's East Pizzeria", wich was located in southwest suburban Oak Lawn Illinois, at the northeast corner of West 95th Street and South Melvina Avenue. This restaurant, was origianlly the Greek owned Kings Row restaurant, and later became Gino's East during the late 1990's. In recent years, Gino's East had closed this location, and the building was eventually demolished. Today, a Panda Express Chinese take out restaurant is located on this corner.
Seen here from left to righ, Myself, Big Ed, Tom and Bill.
Eastbound BNSF Railway light engine movement preparing to depart Clyde Yard. Cicero Illinois USA. September 2007.
I took this photo after work one afternoon, in September of 2007. Seen here looking southwest from the Metra /BNSF Railway, Cicero commuter rail station, are two EMD roadswitchers slowly inching foreward out of the immediate confines of Clyde Yard. The two locomotives are passing two rusty and weatherbeaten former Burlington Northern wide vision cabooses.
Westbound Metra express commuter train. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2008.
Westbound Burlington Northern freight train in west suburban La Grange Ilinois USA. Febuary 1985.
BNSF Railway and Union Pacific intermodal trains running side by side. Hodgkins Illinois USA. January 2007.
I took this photo on a cold but dry winter morning, in January of 2007. Two westbound intermodal trains, one from the BNSF Railway, and the other from the Union Pacific Railroad, are heading to the BNSF Railway intermodal yard in nearby Willow Springs Illinois over the former Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad mainline.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Autum in northwest suburban Itasca Illinois. October 2008.
Westbound Canadian Pacific two car freight local. Chicago Illinois USA. October 2008.
I took this photo around sunset, on a lovely October evening in 2008. We are looking east from the south or "Eastbound" platform of the Metra, Galewood commuter flagstop depot at North Narragansett Avenue. ASfter having to wait for several east and westbound Metra express commuter trains to go whipping through this area at speed, the crew of a westbound Canadian Pacific two car local freight train, finally gets permission to enter the mainline and proceed westbound with it's two covered hopper cars in tow.
The eastbound Amtrak Broadway Limited. Lancaster Pennsylvania USA. August 1990.
I took this photo on a hot summer afternoon in August of 1990. I had just arrived in Lancaster Pennsylvania for a one week vacation in nearby Strasburg Pennsylvania. Seen here, is an active scene of Amtrak boarding and disembarking activity at the Lancaster train station. The train will proceed eastbound from here, to New York City.
Westbound Metra commuter local arriving at the Elmwood Park commuter rail station. Elmwood Park Illinois USA. Early Febuary 2008.
Eastbound Burlington Northern freight train with a caboose. Berwyn Illinois USA. July 1985.
I took this photo one hot summer afternoon, in July of 1985. Already a disappearing sight by the time I had taken this photo, we see a caboose on the tail end of this lenghty Burlington Nortrhern Railroad trailer train. I took this photo looking east from the south platform of the Metra / Burlington Northern, Berwyn commuter rail station, located at the corner of Oak Park Avenue and Windsor Street in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Your host and photographer on his way to work. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2008.
Ford paratransit bus # 4183. Glenview Illinois USA. October 2008.
The Chicago Surface Lines bus terminal at South Archer and Cicero Avenues. Chicago Illinois USA. 1935.
This vintage pre CTA photo, was copied from an old 1990 CTA Historical Calendar. This is the bus terminal at South Archer and Cicero Avenues near Chicago's Midway Airport, and how it looked like back in 1935. Prior to 1934, this was the turn a round terminal loop and station, for the lightweight interurban trolleys of the Chicago & Joliet Electric Railway. Pre CTA predecessor company Chicago Surface Lines, operated electric streetcars on South Archer Avenue from downtown Chicago to this terminal, until 1948. after the Chicago & Joliet Electric Railway went out of business after bankruptcy in 1934, the Chicago Surface Lines began a gas powered extension bus service, wich operated between the Archer and Cicero terminal, to South Archer and Neva Avenues east of South Harlem Avenue.
Today, this is the CTA Route # 62 Archer /Harlem bus line.
Chicago Midway Airport back then, was named Chicago Municipal Airport. It was later renamed to Midway Airport, after the 1942 World War 2 allied victory battle at Midway Island in the South Pacific Ocean.
Northbound Pace bus on Prairie Avenue. Brookfield Illinois USA. November 2007.
New and old at the CTA West 63rd Place bus terminal. Chicago Illinois USA. March 1986.
One of My all time favorite bus photographs I had taken, was this one at South Kedzie Avenue and west 63rd Place, in Chicago's Marquette Park neighborhood. In the foreground, we see a soon to be retired 1960's era Chicago Transit Authority Flxible transit bus with a Fishbowl windshield. In the background, we see two "New" CTA 1985 M.A.N transit buses from the nation now formerly known as West Germany. 1986 was the very last year that the CTA operated the 1960's vintage Flxible buses. This one could very well be performing it's last run.
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