Saluting all of America's brave men and woman of the United States Armed Forces.
Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Coming Soon! My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow! Saturday, June 26th 2010.
Hi everyone!
This is Eddie K Your host and photographer here at Eddie's Railfan Page.
I will be hosting My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow on Saturday afternoon, June 26th 2010 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at The Eisenhower Public Library. The Eisenhower Public Library is located at 4613 North Oketo Avenue in Harwood Heights Illinois.
It will be a fun afternoon at the library, and We hope to se You there.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Canadian Pacific unit grain train passing over the Cherry Lane underpass viaduct. Northbrook Illinois USA.
I photographed this digital live sound video on location in Northbrook Illinois.
We are looking up at the Cherry Lane underpass viaduct in north suburban Northbrook Illinois, as a southbound Canadian Pacific unit grain train passes overhead.
Historic photo! Western Pacific Railroad EMD F-7 # 922 in the solid orange and black :Pumpkin" color scheme circa 1970's.
Over the course of time, many North American Railroads tried to find various ways of cost cutting and economizing in regards to the maintenance and up keep of their equipment.
For the first twenty years or so of dieselization, the regional west coast fallen flag railroad known as the western Pacific Railroad, utilized an elaborate orange and silver color scheme on their diesel locomotives. While being very striking, attractive and quite eye the long run it was difficult and expensive to maintain.
By the early 1970's, the Western Pacific Railroad began experimenting with solid color schemes. This orange and black color scheme was an early experiment. It wasn't long before the Western Pacific had standardized on a dark green with orange letters color schem. This was the last color scheme used by the Western Pacific until the merger and takeover by Union Pacific in 1982.
Metra late 1970's era EMD F-40PH # 108 "Will County" departing from Northbrook Illinois. May 2010.
I took this photo recently during My morning luch break.
A northbound Metra commuter local enroute to Fox Lake Illinois, is viewed departing from the Northbrook Metra commuter rail station. As it begins creeping across the railroad crossing at Shermer Road, We see that this train is being led by Metra EMD model F-40PH locomotive # 108, with the name "Will County" ob the cab side,
For many years, Chicago's Metra commuter rail agency actually named their locomotives with the names of the towns and places they had serviced. However, it seems like Metra has began to get away from this practice, as the new MPI model MP 36PH locomotives do not have this feature. I have also witnessed a few of the late 1970's era rebuilt F-40PH models that didn't have these markings anymore either.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A local ice cream vendor's truck heading north on Harlem Avenue. Morton Grove Illinois USA. May 2010.
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
Once agin folks, It's that wonderful time of the year again here in the greater Chicagoland area....when the warm and sunny later part of the Springtime season is about to become Summer. I have always enjoyed the May to June transition period since I was a kid growing up in the city of Chicago Illinois.
One of My all time favorite memorys growing up during this time of the year, was the sound of the ice cream truck playing it's electronic music box as it came down the street I lived on in My old neighborhood. I loved the sound of the visiting ice cream truck, and of course My Parents DIDN'T! Ha ha ha.
Although I sometimes heard the word "No" from them, I can't help but laugh when I look back at it all.
I spotted this local ice cream truck in traffic at the intersection of Harlem and Shermer Road in north suburban Morton Grove Illinois, on My way back to work at the end of My lunch break recently in May of 2010.
After a long and cold Winter like we experienced in Chicago during early 2010, It was great seeing the happy memorys of Chicago's Summertime again in front of Me.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Westbound Metra evening rush hour express commuter train. Park Ridge Illinois USA. Wednsday, May 26th 2010.
I photographed this digital live sound video after work on Wednsday evening, May 26th 2010.
A fast moving Metra evening rush hour express commuter train enroute to Harvard Illinois, is viewed speeding through the Park Ridege Illinois Metra commuter rail station. Stand back! Whooosh!
Westbound BNSF Railway unit coal train. Riverside Illinois USA. October 2006.
The Prospect Avenue railroad crossing. Park Ridge Illinois USA. Wednsday, May 26th 2010.
I took this photo after work on Wednsday evening May 26th 2010.
Seen here in the Uptown business district section of near northwest suburban Park Ridge Illinois, is the Prospect Avenue railroad crossing gate in the southbound lane at the intersection of Prospect and Summit Avenues near the Park Ridge Metra commuter rail statiion.
This is a very busy railroad crossing, located on the Metra / Union Pacific Railroad northwest line to Harvard Illinois.
The scenic Cherry Lane underpass viaduct. Northbrook Illinois USA. Wednsday, May 26th 2010.
I discovered this very pleasant and scenic railfan photo location on Wednsday morning this week during My lunch break.
We are looking west on Cherry Lane near waukegan Road, just west of the intersection of Cherry Lane and Meadow Road in north suburban Northbrook Illinois.
With a large abundance of landscaped roadway and plenty of trees, this location is a great location to photograph trains on the Canadian Pacific ex Milwaukee Road northline.
Although You can't really see the trains coming because of all the trees amd lush plant life....You can often hear when the trains are coming if You listen up.
This is just north of the Metra, Northbrook commuter rail station.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Resurrection high School Class of 2010 Graduation at the historic Pickwick Theatre in Park Ridge Illinois. wednsday, May 26th 2010.
I took this photo wednsday evening, May 26th 2010 after work, in the Uptown section of near northwest suburban Park Ridge Illinois.
Yes folks, It's Graduation time once again if You have children finishing school.
What better way to have a local high school graduation ceremony in style, then to have the high school name in lights on the grand marquee of the historic Pickwick theatre in Park Ridge Illinois.
The special "Congratulations" message on the marquee must have made the graduating senior student class feel absolutely great!
When I graduated from Chicago's Curie High School in the year of 1981, Our graduation ceremony was held at The Arie Crown Theatre inside Chicago's famous Mc Cormick Place by the lakefront. It was a very special occasion as well.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound Canadian Pacific freight train crossing the Cherry Lane underpass viaduct. Northbrook Illinois USA. May 2010.
I photographed this digital live sound video during My mornng lunch break this wednsday.
We are looking west on Cherry Lane in north suburban Northbrook Illinois, just west of the intersection at Meadow Road. A southbound Canadian Pacific Railroad freight train, with locomotives acquired through merger and borrowed through a leasing now passing over the Cherry Lane underpass viaduct on a lovely Springtime morning.
Canadian Pacific switching local backing up a cut of tank cars. Bensenville Illinois USA. September 2007.
Historic Western Pacific Railroad corporate logo promoting The Feather River Route. from the internet.
One railroad logo that I have always found attractive and very artistic, is the old pre 1982 fallen flag Western Pacific Railroad logo.
The Western Pacific existed from 1910 until being bought out and acquired through merger by the Union Pacific Railroad in the year of 1982.
The Western Pacific was a west coast regional railroad that operated from northern california, to the desert States of Nevada and Utah. The railroad passed through the very scenic Feather River Canyon in northern California, hence the slogan "The Feather River Route" wich they used for many years.
Digital Live Sound Video: An H.O Scale BNSF Railway freight train rolls by My camera on the Oak Park Society of Model Engineers layout. May 2010.
I photographed this digital live sound video recently, during a visit to The Oak Park Society of Model Engineers H.O Scale model railroad club layout.
Seen here is a model of a silver and red former Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe locomotive in the former A,T & S,F "Warbonnet" color scheme, as the BNSF painted their letters over the old color scheme after acquiring the Santa Fe through merger in 1995. this BNSF locomotive is pulling a freight train past My camera on the club's layout.
Chicago Streetcar Memorys musical photo slideshow to play at The Eisenhower Public Library. 4613 N Oketo Avenue in Harwood Heights Illinois!
Hello everyone!
This is Eddie K, Your host and photographer here at Eddie's Railfan Page.
On Saturday, June 26th 2010 from 1:00 until 3:00 PM, I will be hosting an event at The Eisenhower Public Library, located at 4613 North Oketo Avenue in Harwood Heights Illinois entitled "The Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation"
If You enjoy trains or historical transportation subjects, then this program is for You.
An added bonus feature, will be the showing of a homemade musical photo slideshow I had put together entitled "Chicago Streetcar Memorys", wich features numerous pre 1958 photographs of the city of Chicago Illinois set to Authentic historical period music from the era. If You grew up in the city of Chicago Illinois prior to the end of CTA electric streetcar service in 1958, then this program is bound to bring back many happy memorys for You, or someone You might know who did at one time.
Who knows....Maybe You may see an old photo from the neighborhood You lived in.
We hope to see You there for a fun afternoon.
Eddie K
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The old Tastee Freeze soft serve drive in on West 26th Street. Berwyn Ilinois USA. June 2008.
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
Well folks, It is now late May in 2010, and the Memorial Day Weekend is now just around the corner. Summertime is arriving once again here in the greater Chicagoland area.
A favorite Summertime memory for Myself, are those occasional visits for some good refreshing soft serve ice cream at one of any of the roadside or even neighborhood establishments in the Chicago area. This old seasonal Tastee Freeze franchise on West 26th Street in Berwyn Illinois with a walk up window, brings back happy memorys of seasonal Summertime refreshments of past years with both family and friends.
It is always a welcome sight every year.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Southbound CTA Skokie Swift train crossing Oakton Street at night. Skokie llinois USA. Late September 2009.
I photographed this digital live sound video one night after work last year, on location at the Oakton Street CTA railroad crossing in north suburban Skokie Illinois.
A quick moving Chicago Transit Authority Skokie Swift train, aka the yellow line, is viewed crossing Oakton Street on an overcast evening during the very early Autum in late September of 2009. The segment from Dempster Street to East Prairie Road from 1964 until 2004 was operated underneath overhead catenary wire with pantograph equipped rapid transit cars. In the Autum of 2004, the entire line was converted to 100% Third rail operation. Notice the bright flash from a third rail shoe temporarily losing contact with the third rail.
Historic Photo! Western Pacific Railroad switching local serving Modesto California USA. July 1980. From the internet.
I spotted this photo on the internet recently, and decided to include on todays edition of Eddie's Railfan Page from Chicago Illinois.
The Western Pacific Railroad was a west coast regional railroad that existed from 1910, until it was bought out and acquired through merger by the Union Pacific Railroad in the year of 1982. Seen here during it's last two years in operation as the Western Pacific Railroad, is one of their local freight trains that served the various industries in the city of Modesto California.
The combination lash up of an EMD model SW 1500 2nd generation end cab yard switcher, and a 1950's era EMD GP-7 roadswitcher...make for an interesting switching local rolling down an industrial branchline with cars to be picked up and set out.
Digital Live Sound Video: Looking back on Chicago Winter Railroading. February 2010.
Your proboubly saying things like...."Chicago Winter Railroading!? Aw Come on Eddie!
It's almost June with plenty of warm sunshine! What do You want to show something like this for? Hello-ooo? Winter? Over?"
I don't know why. As much as I actually despise Winter like most Chicagoans, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to do this today. Ha ha ha!
Chicago's Winter of 2010 was a long drawn out affair with plenty of Lake Effect Snowstorms, overcast skies, and bitterly cold temperatures.
I photographed this digital live sound video during My morning lunch break on a brightly sunlit, but still very bitterly cold Thursday, February 11th 2010 in north suburban Deerfield Illinois. A fast moving northbound Amtrak Hiawatha train enroute to Milwaukee Wisconsin, is viewed kicking up snowdust in it's wake. Very spectacular!
Two eastbound BNSF Railway locomotives running light departing Clyde Yard. Cicero Illinois USA. September 2007.
I took this photo from the Metra / Cicero commuter rail station one late afternoon, back in September of 2007.
These two BNSF Railway locomotives are running light and heading eastbound upon departure from Clyde Yard in west suburban Cicero Illinois. The engines are about to enter in to the city of Chicago, as they are just several feet west of the Chicago city limits border.
Historic photo from the internet! Western Pacific Railroad 4-6-6-4 articulated Challenger type steam locomotive. Elko Nevada circa 1940's era.
A good strong heavy duty steam locomotive used by various North American railroads for pulling heavy drag freights or assisting other trains over heavy mountain grades, were these huge articulated Challenger type steam locomotives with the 4-6-6-4 wheel arrangement.
This Western Pacific Railroad Alco 4-6-6-4 Challenger locomotive, was photographed at Elko Nevada during the 1940's. The ground proboubly shook when these mechanical monsters came through with heavy freight trains coupled on.
Lionel narrow guage Porter 0-4-0T saddle tank steam locomotive and logging train. Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois USA. 2010
I took this photo on a recent visit to the Berwyn's Toy Trains And Models Hobby Shop on Ogden Avenue, in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
Seen here is a lionel O'Guage model of a Porter narrow guage 0-4-0T industrial saddle tank steam locomotive pulling a short logging train on the store's demonstration layout. This represents American logging and industrial railroading during the late 1800's and early 1900's era around the turn of the century.
Eastbound Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe transfer train with caboose. Chicago Illinois USA. Early September 1988.
I took this photo looking east from the South Austin Avenue railroad crossing near West 60th Street, way back in September of 1988.
An eastbound Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe transfer train has just left the nearby Belt Railway of Chicago Clearing Yard, and is heading eastbound over BRC trackage near Chicago's Midway Airport in the early evening.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Western Pacific Railroad EMD model GP-35 # 3009 at Stockton California in 1974. From the internet.
Even though I was born and raised in the city of Chicago Illinois, Believe it or not, one of My personal all time favorite North American railroads was the western Pacific.
The Western Pacific existed from 1910 until it was acquired through merger by the Union Pacific in the year 1982.
I found this photo on the internet recently.
Seen here at Stockton California way back in 1974, are EMD model GP-35 roadswitchers wearing the 1960's era orange and silver color scheme. While being a very attractive and eye catching color scheme, it unfortunately did not weather well in the long run.
It was replaced with a dark green and orange lettering color scheme by the early 1970's.
The western Pacific operated from Northern California to the States of Nevada and Utah. It was a very unique and colorful railroad.
Digital Live Sound Video: Westbound CTA Skokie Swift train at the Kostner Avenue railroad crossing. Skokie Illinois USA. August 2008.
I photographed this digital live sound video during My morning lunch break one hot Summer day, back in August of 2008.
Traveling over the only preserved remnant of the former Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee electric interurban railroad, a westbound Chicago Transit Authority yellow line / Skokie Swift train approaches the Kostner Avenue railroad crossing in north suburban Skokie Illinois.
After the Chicago, North Shore And Milwaukee went out of business due to bankruptcy in January of 1963, the segment from Howard Street terminal in downtown Evanston Illinois, to the Dempster Street station in Skokie Illinois was purchased by the Chicago Transit Authority, rebuilt, and opened for operation on April 30th 1964 as "The Skokie Swift" line. This line, was part of the former North Shore's own Skokie Valley mainline.
Morning switcactivity at the Burlington Northern Clyde Yard. Cicero Illinois USA. June 1985.
Former Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad EMD roadswitcher at the recently closed GTW Elsdon Yard site. Chicago Illinois USA. June 1984.
I took this photo during a June 1984 visit to the recently closed Grand trunk Western Railroad Elsdon Yard on West 51st Street, in Chicago's Elsdon neighborhood.
The Grand Trunk Western Railroad decided to close their old steam era Elsdon Yard for good in October of 1983, and move their switching and locomotive servicing operations to the Belt Railway of Chicago Clearing Yard in southwest suburban Bedford Park Illinois.
From the closing of Elsdon Yard until September of 1986, a small portion of the old Elsdon Yard site immediately north of West 51st Street, located on a curve east of South Lawndale Avenue, was being used as a temporary locomotive and crew terminal.
Seen here are former Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad EMD roadswitchers acquired through merger by the GTW in 1981. Notice the GT stenciled in below the cab window.
Pennsylvania Railroad Alco model RS-3 diesel locomotive working on a switching local somewhere in Indiana. Circa 1950's. From the internet.
I found this photo recently on the internet.
One type of railroading that has always fascinated Me, are the freight trains known as "Switching Locals" that pick up and deliver freight cars from various industrial spur sidings usually located along branchlines. Unfortunately, I forgot to document where this 1950's era photo location was, but I recall that it was in the State of Indiana.
I grew up along an industrial railroad branchline that served the various factorys in My old neighborhood in Chicago from monday to Friday during the 1960's and 70's.
That line was the Atchinson, Topeka & santa Fe Illinois Northern branchline, wich operated out of the Santa Fe Corwith Yard.
I love this kind of railroading so much, that I eventually modeled it in H.O Scale on one of My small model train layouts during the mid 1980's.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Summer night at Gene and Jude's Hot Dogs. River Grove Illinois USA. July 2008.
Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.
I took this photo on a Summer night back in July of 2008.
A popular local roadside drive in restaurant in Chicago's near northwest suburbs, is the Gene and Jude's Hot Dogs drive in on River Road just north of the intersection at Grand Avenue. Although simple items like Hot Dogs, Tamales and "Home Cut" French Fries is proboubly about all that You will find on their menu, this place has been in business for many years and their business is really booming everytime I go there.
A local Chicagoland favorite.
Switching activity at the former Illinois Central RR Crawford Yard. Chicago Illinois USA. Jne 2007.
I took this photo looking east, along the north side of the Canadian National ex Illinois Central Crawford Yard east of Cicero Illinois. A former Grand Trunk Western and an ex Illinois Central locomotive acquired through merger by the Canadian National, are viewed at work spotting tank crs on a hot Summer afternoon.
Trains and rain. Brookfield Illinois USA. November 2007.
I took this wet weather picture at the Brookfield Metra commuter rail station at Prairie Avenue.
With outside temperatures in the 40's and steady rain falling, a passenger waits for the next westbound Metra local enroute to Aurora Illinois staying dry under the convenient shelter. An eastbound BNSF Railway freight train is viewed passing by in the background on this very cold and damp day back in November of 2007.
Digital Live Sound Video: Westbound Metra express commuter train crossing North Harlem Avenue. Elmwood Park Illinois USA. July 2008.
I photographed this digital live sound video one hot summer morning back in July of 2008,on location at the North Harlem Avenue railroad crossing in near northwest suburban Elmwood Park Illinois.
A westbound Metra express commuter train, is viewed passing the crossing at moderate speed.
Lionel O' Guage Western Pacific Railroad GS-4 class 4-8-4 steam locomotive. Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois USA. May 2010.
I took this photo on a recent visit to the Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop, located on Ogden Avenue in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
Seen here pulling a short freight train on the stores own Lionel / MTH O' Guage demonstration model railroad, is a Lionel O27 characture model of a Western Pacific Railroad semi streamlined GS-4 class 4-8-4 1940's era steam locomotive. The Southern Pacific Railroad originally had semi streamlined GS class 4-8-4 Northern type steam locomotives built by the Lima Locomotive Works of Lima Ohio, and eventually the Western Pacific Railroad did too.
Westbound Metra evening rush hour express commuter train. River Forest Illinois USA. June 2007.
Monday, May 24, 2010
A City of Chicago Dept of Streets and Sanitations garbage truck rounding the corner. Chicago Illinois USA. Monday, May 19th 2010.
I took this photo looking out of cars front windshield on My way back to work after lunch on Monday, May 19th 2010.
We are facing north at the intersection of North Harlem and west higgins Avenues on Chicago's northwest side, near the village of Harwood Heights Illinois. A heavily used garbage truck from the City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation, is viewed turning east from North Harlem Avenue on to West Higgins Avenue.
Digital Live Sound Video: Westbound Metra evening rush hour commuter train. Franklin Park Illinois USA. August 2009.
I photographed this digital live sound video one hot summer evening last year, in August of 2009.
A westbound Metra evening rush hour commuter train, is viewed entering near northwest suburban Franklin Park Illinois around sunset.
Chicago Streetcar Memorys will be showing at The Eisenhower Public Libary.4613 North Oketo Avenue. Harwood Heights Illinois. Sat, June 26th 2010.
On Saturday, June 26th 2010 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, I will be hosting My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation at The Eisenhower Public Library in Harwood Heights Illinois.
A special aded feature attraction, will be a short musical photo slideshow entitled "Chicago Streetcar Memorys". With many historical Chicago photos set to appropriate historical "Period" music from the era, this is bound to bring back happy memorys for people who grew up in Chicago prior to 1958.
You will see a long lost Chicago from decades past.
It will be a fun afternoon and We hope to see You there.
Eddie K.
Belt Railway of Chicago EMD switcher # 521 idling at Clearing Yard. Bedford Park Illinois USA. March 1985.
One thing I actually miss about railfanning during the 1980's era in Chicago, was the fact that there were still quiete a bit of ld 1950's era EMD first generation locomotives working on many of Chicago's railroads.
I photographed Belt Railway of Chicago # 521, an old EMD SW series yard switcher idling on a cold and damp day in early March of 1985 at Clearing Yard, near Chicago's Midway Airport, and the nearby Ford City Shopping Center.
Digital Live Sound Video: The Lionel / MTH O'Guage demonstration layout at the Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois. May 2010.
I photographed this digital live sound video, during a recent visit to the Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop on Ogden Avenue, in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
In this ariel view, We spot a two train meet between a steam powered Lionel Western Pacific Railroad short freight rain, and a Lionel EMD F 3 powered Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad 3 car Zephyr passenger train.
Pennsylvania Railroad early 1950's era EMD model E-8 passenger service diesel locomotive.
I found this photo recently on the internet.
One of the most popular diesel electric passenger locomotives manufactured by EMD, or what is also known as The Electro Motive Division of General Motors in La Grange Illinois, was their "E" series of pasenger diesel locomotives during the streamliner passenger train era.
The model E 8 in particular, was employed from coast to coast hauling the top of the line "Crack Limited Streamliner trains", all the way to the secondary Mail, Express, Connecting and Commuter trains. Before there was an RTA or later Metra commuter rail agency in Chicago, the Class 1 mainline railroads ran their own commuter trains to and from the Windy City. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Chicago & NorthWestern, Rock Island, and the Milwaukee Road, had used various EMD E unit locomotives in to the late 1970's. The Burlington Northern wich was the 1970 succesor railroad through merger of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, The Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Spokane, Portland & Seatle Railroads, used EMD model E-8's that were rebuilt during the early 1970's into EMD model E 9 standards in Chicago to Aurora commuter service until 1992. One is preserved today at The Illinois Railway Museum in Union Illinois. A Milwaukee Road EMD E-9 is also preserved here too.
The Chicago & NorthWestern operated their last three EMD model E-8's until October of 1989.
Many started second careers hauling early Amtrak passenger trains begining in 1971.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Coming Soon! My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation. Saturday, June 26th 2010.
I will be hosting My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation on Saturday, June 26th 2010 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at The Eisenhower Public library.
The Eisenhower Public library is located at 4613 North Oketo Avenue in Harwood Heights Illinois.
We hope to see You there for a fun and nostalgic afternoon.
Eddie K.
The Kiddieland Limited boarding passengers. Kiddieland Amusement Park. (Gone.) Melrose Park Illinois USA. Early September 2006.
One fun family place that will be greatly missed in the greater Chicagoland area that closed after 81 years in operation during 2009, is Chicago's Kiddieland Amusement Park in near northwest suburban Melrose Park Illinois.
I took this now historic photo in early September of 2006, toward the end of the operating season. The Kiddieland Limited streamliner passenger train, is viewed boarding passengers near closing time.
Eastbound Canadian National freight train. Forest Park Illinois USA. August 2006.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Meet Your host and photographer Eddie K. April 2010.
Hello everyone!
Welcome aboard the "Bus Day" edition of Eddie's Railfan Page.
This photo of Me, was taken at work recently in April of 2010. Here I am behind the wheel of First Transit 2008 Ford paratransit bus # 5157.
I enjoy My career occupation as a Paratransit Driver. Driving a handicapped bus, has given Me the opportunity to assist people who are more often less fortunate than most of us out here. It is a wonderful feeling just being there for people who need You and the service You can provide.
Eddie K.
Digital Live Sound Video: Eastbound CTA Route # 62 Archer Avenue bus enroute to downtown Chicago. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2008.
I photographed this digital live sound video during a hot 90 degree plus humid Summer day in August of 2008.
We are on location at te sorner of South Archer and Normal Avenues in Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood on the near southside of the city. An eastbound Chicago Transit Authority Route # 62 Archer Avenue bus, is viewed heading enroute to nearby downtown Chicago.
A Bluebird school bus up close. Glenview Illinois USA. May 2010.
I took this photo after work one day earlier this week.
Parked at an Illinois Safety Lane inspection garage parking lot near My own company's garage, is this flat front Bluebird school bus from the Fairview Public Schools company. As much as I see these rolling down the streets on a daily basis at work, it was actually nice to be able to get a good look and a detailed photo to share.
It is now late May, and the local Chicago area schools will soon be closing for Summer vacation break. During this time of the year, school bus fleets will be recieving much maintenance and mechanical attention for the upcoming Autum school semester.
Except for year round schools, It is pretty much the off season for scbool buses and the people who operate them. There are however, occasional charter bus excursions and work in shuttle bus service at large civic carnivals and events.
New York City Transit Authority 1969 Fxible 40 foot transit bus. New York City NY. (Fron the internet.)
I just recently spotted this photo of a New York City Transit Authority 1969 air conditioned Flxibe 40 foot new look transit bus, and I just couldn't resist the opportunity to post it here on todays "Bus Day" edition of Eddie's Railfan Page.
Many citties across North America utilized large fleets of Flxible transit buses like this one during the 1960's and 70's era. Chicago had simullar Flxible buses that were un airconditioned, but served various Chicago Transit Authority bus routes for many years. Chicago's CTA operated Flxible New Look fishbowl windshield buses like this from 1961, until they were finally retired in 1986.
The New York City example shown here, is wearing a striking two tone blue color scheme in regular service.
Silent Digital Video: Eastbound suburban Pace bus on Cermak Road. Berwyn Illinois USA. April 2007.
I photographed this silent digital video after work one evening with My old digital camera that I no longer have, back in April of 2007.
An eastbound Pace 2002 Orion low floor 40 foot transit bus, is viewed taking off on an eastbound trip after boarding a passenger on West 22nd Street aka Cermak Road in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
School bus picking up a passenger. Forest Park Illinois USA. Monday, April 26th 2010.
I photographed this typical weekday afternoon scene in west suburban Forest Park Illinois recently, on Monday, April 26th 2010.
I was enroute back to My own job as a Paratransit bus driver after lunch, when I spotted this unique work a day photo opportunity. We are facing north on La Thropp Avenue near West Randolph Street, as a local school bus driver stops to pick up a child passenger.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Two Belt Railway of Chicago EMD roadswitchers at work near the West 68th Street wye. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
I took this photo facing east from the top of the South Cicero Avenue overpass bridge near Chicago's Midway Airport.
We are looking in to the east or "Chicago" side of the Belt Railway of Chicago Clearing Yard, as two BRC EMD roadswitchers are seen pushing a cut of freight cars westbound near the West 68th Street wye. North and southbound trains entering the BRC Clearing Yard, enter and depart from here.
Southbound Canadian Pacific transfer train crossing South Archer Avenue. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2008.
I took this photo one hot Summer afternoon back in june of 2008.
Seen here is a southbound slow moving Canadian Pacific transfer train approaching the South Archer Avenue railroad crossing near Chicago's Midway Airport. The train is traveling over the Belt Railway of Chicago tracks enroute to Clearing Yard in southwest suburban Bedford Park Illinois.
Digital Live Sound Video: The Lionel /MTH O' Guage demonstration layout at Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois. May 2010.
I photographed this digital live sound video one day last week, at the Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop on Ogden Avenue in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
A Lionel O27 model of a Western Pacific Railroad GS class 4-8-4 streamlined steam locomotive, pulls a short freight train past the camera at eye leval.
A former Norfolk & Western Railroad heavyweight steam era baggage car. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. August 2006.
I took this photo during an overcast August 2006 visit to The Illinois Railway Museum, located in the town of Union Illinois.
Many examples of railroad passenger cars from the steam era, to the diesel streamliner era can be viewed or ridden aboard at the museum. Seen here is a preserved 1920's era heavyweight baggage car from the former Norfolk & Western Railroad.
bagage cars mainly rode on the front end of passenger trains and carried luggage, packages, bulk mail, various parcels, and sometimes even "Loved Ones' to their final resting place. They were a very utilitarian car, and many ended their days in maintenance of Way service. This example has since been repainted at the museum.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1960's era Chicago police Department -Female school crossing guard on duty.
I took this photo during an August 2008 visit to Chicago's Navy Pier.
This was part of a display promoting local Chicago area law enforcement through the years. I am not really sure where this photo was taken at, but it looks like it could have been on West Washington Boulevard on the west side of Chicago circa 1966.
Notice that the kind Female school crossing patrol officer, is not wearing the standard neon colored reflective safety vests that We take for granted these days.
They weren't invented yet. They were still several years away, but this image captures the look and feel of Chicago neighborhoods past nonetheless.
It was a much simpler time in the Windy City back then, when local neighborhood residents had a stronger sense of community. I grew up in Chicago back then Myself.
Eddie K.
Coming Soon! My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation. Saturday, June 26th 2010 at The Eisenhower Public Library.
Hi everyone!
This is Eddie K, Your host and photographer here at Eddie's Railfan Page.
I will be hosting My Chicagoland Railfan Photo Slideshow and Video Presentation on Saturday afternoon, June 26th 2010 at The Eisenhower Public Library.
The Eisenhower Public Library is located at 4613 North Oketo Avenue in near northwest suburban Harwood Heights Illinois. The show will run from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. It will be a fun afternoon, and I hope to see You and other fellow railfans and historians there.
Eddie K.
O' Guage Lionel Porter narrow guage 0-4-0T steam locomotive and logging train. Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop. Berwyn Illinois May 2010.
I took this photo last week during a recent visit to Berwyn's Toy Trains and Models Hobby Shop on Ogden Avenue in west suburban Berwyn Illinois.
I had originally listed this train as being manufactured by a company known as MTH. One of the kind viewers and contributors at Flickr Photo Page, Mr. Thomas Merton, politely corrected Me, and set the record straight that this is actually a Lionel model train.
Thanks Mr. Merton. I always appreciate that.
The prototype of this locomotive, is an industrial narrow guage 4 wheel steam switching locomotive manufactured by the Porter Locomotive Company during the late 1800's and early 1900's period. It was used in various industries from Mining, Steel Mills, Quarrys and even logging to some extent. Here it is pulling a short logging train on a circular but very scenic Lionel demonstration layout inside the hobby store for all to enjoy viewing.
Yet another reason to explore whats left of old Illinois U.S Route #66.
The old Santa Fe freight house off of west 38th Street. Chicago Illinois USA. December 1995. Dennis Madia photograph.
This photo was sent to Me by fellow and former Chicago railfan Dennis Madia.
I grew up on the near southwest side of Chicago Myself, just about a mile or so northeast of the former Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Corwith Yard. This brick freight house was located at the location where West 38th Street ends, along the east side of the old A,T & S,F Corwith Yard facility.
This photo was taken in December of 1995, not long after the Burlington Northern and the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe had merged to become todays BNSF Railway.
Thanks for the nice photo Dennis.
Eddie K.
The Grand Trunk Western Railroad Elsdon locomotive terminal at night. (Gone.) Chicago Illinois USA. April 1983.
I took this photo way back in April of 1983, shortly after I purchased My first 35mm camera. It was also one of My first night time photos I took with it.
EMD yard switchers and roadswitchers are idling at the dimly lit Grand Trunk Western Railroad locomotive ready tracks, just to the immediate west of the 1914 built GTW Elsdon roundhouse at South Kedzie Avenue and West 49th Street. Unfortunately, Elsdon Yard and the roundhouse were in their final months of operation and would be closed in October of 1983 for good.
There is a definate uncertain feel in the air that night, as an era will soon be ending on Chicago's southwest side.
Train and plane photographic meet. Schiller Park Illinois USA. July 2008.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Springtime flooding on the Ohio River. Louisville Kentucky USA. May 1990.
I took this photo during a May 1990 motorcoach vacation to the Great Smokey Mountains in the states of Tennesee and North Carolina.
This photo was taken one morning, on the return leg of the trip back to Chicago.
We had spent the previous night lodging in downtown Louisville Kentucky. During the time of My visit, the mighty Ohio River was experiencing seasonal Springtime flooding.
The boat docks at the Louisville Wharf, were actually submerged. The boat mooring Capstans were just inches below the surface in a few places, and currents were carrying tree branches and debris downstream.
Westbound Canadian National unit tank train approaching Hawthorne Junction. Chicago / Cicero Illinois USA. May 2007.
I took this photo after work one lovely Springtime afternoon, back in May of 2007.
With the switching chores now completed at the nearby former Illinois Central Crawford Yard, the two EMD roadswitchers that had just previously performed these chores, are now pulling an assembled unit tank car train westbound through Hawthorne Junction. The train is about to pass through the Belt Railway of Chicago crosstracks.
Digital Live Sound Video: An MTH O' Scale Santa Fe 2900 class 4-8-4 steam locomotive slowly backing up on the test track at Chicagoland Hobby.
I photographed this digital live sound video one day after work, at Chicagoland Hobby. Chicagoland Hobby is one of Chicago's "Premier" hobby stores located at 6017 Northwest Highway in Chicago's Norwood Park neighborhood.
A local customer had just recently purchased a very large O' Scale model of an MTH Atchinson, Topeka & santa Fe Railroad 2900 class dual service 4-8-4 Northern type steam locomotive, and was in the process of performing a test run or two on the stores test track.
This Gentlemen was very kind, and allowed Me to make this video of this powerful and unique model of an American, World War 2 era 1940's prototype mainline steam locomotive.
The best news of all, is that the prototype of this locmotive A,T & S,F # 2903, is preserved today at The Illinois Railway Museum in the town of Union Illinois.
Just like the model, it is a "Huge" locomotive from the late steam era.
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad steam locomotive # 250 on display. The Wilmington Railroad Museum. Wilmington North Carolina USA. April 1995.
I tok this photo during a much deserved April 1995 Springtime vacation to the city of Wilmington North Carolina.
Seen here in the museum courtyard, is the centerpiece of the Wilmington Railroad Museum. Preserved Atlantic Coast Line Railroad 4-6-0 ten wheeler type steam locomotive # 250, hauled passenger trains originally during the 1910 era.
Today, it makes for a fine exhibit.
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