Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Bourbon Street Parade - Heartbeat Dixieland Jazz Band

Hi everyone!
This is Eddie K, your host and photographer here at Eddie's Railfan Page.

Although it is now officially February..."The heart of the winter season"...I sometimes
let my mind wander to more positive thoughts during this normally cold and overcast time
of the year here in Chicago and other parts of the nation.

Sure, it's winter NOW, but pretty soon.....It will be Mardi Gras time once again in the
Crescent city of New Orleans Louisiana! All Right! Yeah! Time to shake off the cold and frigid winter blues, and dance up a storm to some good old fashioned foot tapping and hand clapping
traditional American Dixieland Jazz music.

I actually visited the city of New Orleans Louisiana twice during Mardi Gras way back
in 1977 and 1978, and had absolutely "The Time Of My Life!" It was FUN!

Lets forget about winter, and think Mardi Gras time.

Eddie K.

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