During the 1970's, the city of Chicago had a large imigrant ethnic population of Eastern Europeans, mainly Polish -Lithuanian -Czechloslovakian -and Yugoslavians.
Back in the 1970's on Sundays, W T A Q Radio in La Grange Illinois on the AM radio dial...featured many polka music programs. One in particulair that My family listened to...was the Chet Golinski Show. Chet featured many "Local" Chicagoland polka recording artist such as Eddie Karosa -
Little Wally -Joe Pat, as well as famous stars like Frankie Yancovich and whoopie John.
"Adam Furniture" was one of the shows main sponsors. This unique southside Furniture store even had a distinct "Polish Polka Style Advertising Jingle" and it was entitled"Adam on Archer".
It sounded something like ..."Bet-ter pri-ces ev-ery -day at A-dam on Ar-cher
You can shop here Any-day at A-dam on Ar-cher.
A-dam. - Fur-ni-ture. A-dam Fur-ni-ture.
Another sponsor of the Sunday polka programs, was the long gone "Babydoll Polka Club".
WTAQ Radio became a Spanish Language radio station sometime during the early 1980's.
After all these years...It was nice to know that Adam Furniture is still here on Archer Avenue.
Fur-nish your en-tire home at Adam on Ar-cher.
A-dam fur-ni-ture A-dam fur-ni-ture A-dam fur-ni-ture.....
Remember it well!
As you may know, Baby Boll Polka Club on the corner of 61st and S. Central closed a couple years ago upon Irene Karosa's retirement, but it's Polish heritage continues under the new name, Karolinka Club. It doesn't have quite the same energy or personality as Baby Doll (and how could it, really?) but it's still a fun place to enjoy a favorite beverage.
It's literally steps away from my office. Come on by some day after work and the first round will be on me!
Furniture for every need at Adam on Archer,
Lowest prices, yes indeed, at Adam on Archer.
Furnish your entire home at Adam on Archer,
Furniture for every home at Adam on Archer.
Adam furniture, Adam furniture...
Why the heck can I remember this when I can't remember what happened yesterday??
you can still hear those commercials on radio station WCEV 1450 am. They are still sponsors of the Polka show from 1 - 2 pm Sundays
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