I visited the Techny Road railroad crossing in nearby north suburban Northbrook after work one day, in late July of 2009. Hi leval manual throw track switch stands like this model, were very common during the steam era. Most of the manual throw switch stands I have seen in the Chicago area during recent years, are pretty much the low leval, ground models wich require the railroad crew members to bend down.
(That could be rough on ones back after awhile. Ouch!)
Hi leval switch stands, can still be found in some places, and are very common in areas plaqued with heavy blowing and drifting snow during the winter months. This old Hi leval switch stand, is immediately located along the north side of the Canadian Pacific ex Milwaukee Road northline railroad crossing, at Techny Road.
This track switch is located on the interchange track leading to the nearby Union Pacific ex Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad freight only cut off line near Techny Illinois.
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