Me and My lovely Wife Cheryl, went on a much needed and very pleasant little vacation down south, to the city of Memphis Tennesee. This is a view looking northwest at the large Missisippi River bridge, that links the States of Arkansas and Tennesee. The sun was already over the horizon, and the decorative structural lights on the bridge had just turned on for the night. In the foreground can be seen Mud Island, and the monorail that connects to it from the east shore of the Missisippi River. Another day is ending.
Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Twilight time on the Missisippi River. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
Me and My lovely Wife Cheryl, went on a much needed and very pleasant little vacation down south, to the city of Memphis Tennesee. This is a view looking northwest at the large Missisippi River bridge, that links the States of Arkansas and Tennesee. The sun was already over the horizon, and the decorative structural lights on the bridge had just turned on for the night. In the foreground can be seen Mud Island, and the monorail that connects to it from the east shore of the Missisippi River. Another day is ending.
Eastbound CSX Transportation intermodal train. Western Springs Illinois USA. September 2006.
The Tinley Park Metra commuter rail station. Tinley Park Illinois USA. September 2006.
Floor leval interior view of a CTA 6000 series rapid transit car doorway. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. August 2006.
As a young boy growing uo in Chicago during the 1960's and 70's, I could remember riding the CTA electric trolleybuses on the route # 52 Kedzie / California Avenue line, as well as the 1940's and 50's era GM "Old Look" TDH Series buses, and the Twin Coach propane buses that all featured this color scheme. The old buses were largely retired by 1972 and 73, but some of the CTA 6000 series cars held on to this interior color scheme into the mid 1980's.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion estate. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page.
I took this photo last week, while on vacation with My lovely wife Cheryl in Memphis Tennesee.
This is the Graceland mansion home and estate of the late great Elvis Presley, who resided here from 1957, to his untimely passing at 42 years of age in 1977. Graceland is a very popular Memphis area attraction and worth visiting. Across the street are a few other Elvis museums that include his collection of cars, memorabillia, and even his two private jet airplanes.
Elvis Presley's final resting place. Graceland Estae. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
A summer afternoon at the Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. August 2005.

Northbound Canadian National auto rack train entering the IHB Argo Yard. Summit Illinois USA. May 2006.

Chicago Transit Authority PCC electric streetcar # 4391. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. August 2006.
This car was from the "Last" order for Chicago city streetcars, as the Chicago Transit Authority was formed in November of 1947, and was begining a program to phase out streetcars in Chicago, and replace the trolley lines with buses.
This car was in operation in Chicago, untill the end of streetcar service on June 21st 1958.
The Kiddieland Limited waiting on passengers. Kiddieland Amusement Park. Melrose Park Illinois USA. June 2007.
Attendance was a little on the low side on this fine summer evening in early June, but large crowds would replace this in the upcoming weeks.
The Kiddieland Limited, is a 14 inch track guage gas powered replica, of a 1940's and 50's era pre Amtrak streamliner passenger train. The locomotive appears to a working model of an EMD F-7 cab unit diesel locomotive. The locomotive and cars, are painted in the famous Southern Pacific Railroad's orange , red and black "Daylight" color scheme colors, albeit with Kiddieland Limited markings. A miniature classic.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Misssisippi River bridge and the Mud Island monorail. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
The original Snackville Junction restaurant on South Western Avenue near West 115th Street. Chicago Illinois USA. January 1976

I actually took this photo in early January of 1976, on the east side of Chicago's Mount Greenwood neighborhood. My Dada and Myself attempted to try going for a breakfast at the Snackville Junction restaurant on a Sunday morning. The neon sign in the window said "open", but unfortunately...the restaurant was actually closed with no Manager or Employees to be seen anywhere. Still, I ended up taking a rare old photograph at the age of 13. It was worth it.
Southbound BNSF Railway transfer train approaching the West 71st Street railroad crossing. Bridgeview Illinois USA. September 2007.
The Roselle Illinois Metra commuter rail station. September 2007.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Beale Street in downtown Memphis. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
Welcome aboard the vacation 2007 edition of Eddie's Railfan Page.
Some of My friends began calling and E-mailing Me in the last few days asking Me.."Eddie? Is everything alright? How come You didn't do any posting on Your blog site at all last week?"
Here is the reason why. ( Believe Me, I'm fine.)
Last week, My wife Cheryl and Myself left Chicago via O'Hare Airport and American Eagle Airlines, and headed off to a great and much needed vacation in the city of Memphis Tennesee.
For those who have never been to the city of Memphis, this is Beale Street in downtown Memphis. Beale Street is the big entertainment district with lots of clubs, nightlife, live bands, great music, the famouse Memphis Barbeque restaurants, and lots of kind and friendly people.
Between Graceland, the Main Street Trolley, many museums and attractions, and just plain having some long overdue and much needed fun, We had an absolutely great time on vacation!
Horses and Trolleys on Main Street. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
To a railfan and transportation enthusiast like Myself, the Memphis Main Street Trolley alone is well worth the visit. I took this late morning photo looking east at the intersection of Madison Avenue and Main Street. A tourist horse and buggy ride, shares Main Street with an electric streetcar that originally worked "Down Under" in the city of Melbourne Australia.
The Memphis Main Street Trolley 4 wheel Gomaco replica streetcar. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
The Memphis Main Street trolley refurbished Melbourne Australia city streetcar. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
Shown here is a purple and cream colored 1920's era city streetcar originally from Melbourne Australia. Several of these former Melbourne electric streetcars or "Trams" as European people call them, can be found here in the United States, working in tourist trolley service. These cars can be found in Dallas Texas, Seatle Washington, and of course Memphis Tennesee.
The Memphis Main Street Trolley yellow Gomaco Birney replica car. Memphis Tennesee USA. September 2007.
view is looking north on Main Street near
Madison Avenue.
The yellow streetcar shown here, is an operating
replica of a two truck car originally manufactured
during the 20th century in the late teens and early 1920's by the Birney Car Company. The replica shown here, was manufactured by the Gomaco company located in Ida Grove Iowa.
The Mempis Main Street Trolley cars were originally equipped with twin spring loaded trolley poles, but have since been re-equipped
with a modern single arm pantograph.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Museum equipment being switched in the yard. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. November 1976.

My Family and I, visited the Illinois Railway Museum in early November of 1976. This could have been the last weekend of operation for the season, as the only equipment still taking passengers for demonstration rides, was a couple of electric streetcars that day.
This photograph shows one of the many behind the scenes support operations of a large railroad museum, as a large cut of museum equipment, is being spotted on various sidings and shop track leads in the museum's display yard. Winter will be approaching shortly in upcoming weeks as the bare trees and brown grass indicate. In the wintertime, the museum is closed to the public, and various repairs to equipment, tune ups, maintenance, painting and infrustructure improvements take place. Although it is the "Off Season", there is still activity to be had here.
Chicago's historic Brighton Junction. September 4th 2007.
During the 1960's and in earlier times, Brighton Junction was known as the Pennsylvania Railroad's "Panhandle Junction". This view is looking northwest toward the Canadian National ex Illinois Central / Gulf Mobile & Ohio crosstracks.
Sunset on West 71st Street. Bridgeview Illinois USA. September 2007.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Your host and photographer on location in Chicago. September 2007.
Welcome aboard another edition of Eddie's Railfan Page.
Here I am on Chicago's northside, at the engine terminal and small yard used by the Chicago Terminal Railroad, and the Union Pacific. I travel to many areas in Chicago, mainly the northside and the western suburbs. I am from the city of Chicago, and I am a lifelong railfan. I have been an amature photographer since the early 1980's, and I enjoy sharing My photographs with the many people who have supported My blogsite. I am Married, and My wonderfull wife Cheryl is very supportive of My various historical and railfan interests. ( who could ask for more?) I want to say Thank You for all the fine and helpfull E-mails and comments that I have been recieving here at My blog site.
CTA Archer Avenue bus terminal remodeling. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2007.
Union Pacific EMD GP-15 locomotive with switching train idling. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2007.
Visiting locomotive. The Union Pacific Railroad M-19A Diesel Shop. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
Westbound Canadian Pacific light engine movement. The Hanson Park Metra commuter rail flag stop depot. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2007.
The locomotive is seen behind the chain link fence on the bypass line used by freight trains entering and leaving nearby Cragin Junction one mile east of here. In the foreground can be seen a ground leval platform crossing signal used to warn pedestrians of oncoming commuter trains approaching the station. These signals are necessary, as many of the commuter trains are fast moving expresses that litterally fly through the depot at high speeds. Whoooooosh!
Southbound BNSF Railway transfer train travelling over the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad. Bridgeview Illinois USA. September 2007.
The Morton Salt Company on North Elston Avenue. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2007.
Eastbound Metra commuter local. The Metra Cicero commuter rail depot. Cicero Illinois USA. September 2007.
Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railroad car # 316. The Relic Trolley Museum. South Elgin Illinois USA. August 1974.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Odges Hot Dogs. 730 North Damen Avenue. Chicago Illinois USA. September 2007.
Old diesels from former railroads congregating. The BNSF Clyde Yard. Cicero Illinois USA. September 2007.
Eastbound Iowa, Chicago & Eastern Railroad freight train. Roselle Illinois USA. September 2007.
Eastbound CSX Transportation West 16th Street switching local. Cicero Illinois USA. September 2006.
Indiana Harbor Belt coiled steel car in transit. Bridgeview Illinois USA. August 2007.
The NEW Metra Edison Park commuter rail station. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2007.
The station was nearing completion at the time of this photograph.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Summertime fun at the Santa's Village Amusement Park. (gone) Dundee Illinois USA. August 1986.

Former Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad hopper car. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2007.
The Silver Palm restaurant and lounge. Chicago Illinois USA. August 2007.
Preserved 0-4-0T fireless steam locomotive. Tinley Park Illinois USA. September 2006.
Electric streetcar details. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. August 2006.
The Belt Railway of Chicago diesel shop at Clearing Yard. Bedford Park Illinois USA. September 2006.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Pace Orion transit coach at the CTA Yellow line Dempster Street station. Skokie Illinois USA. September 2007.
Welcome aboard the "Bus Day" edition of Eddie's Railfan Page. Here are some bus photographs taken around Chicago through the passing years.
I took this photo in early September of 2007, in north suburban Skokie Illinois. The bus shown here, is from the Chicagoland suburban bus company known as Pace. The bus has just turned off of Dempster Street, and will be picking up passengers in the bus lane alongside the Chicago Transit Authority Yellow line station.
Northbound Ford school bus at the intersection of West 63rd Street and South Kedzie Avenue. Chicago Illinois USA. March 1986.

Behind the school bus, is the now boarded up and soon to be demolished Marquette movie theatre building, wich would be levalled in approximately two weeks from the time of this photograph.
During the 1970's, My Family and I had seen many movies at the old Marquette theatre.
CTA Route # 53A South Pulaski Rd 1970's era GMC bus approaching the South Terminal at West 111th Street and South pulaski Rd. December 1986.

Eastbound CTA Nova bus on North Avenue. April 2006.

Monday, September 10, 2007
The Itasca Illinois Metra commuter rail station. Itasca Illinois USA. September 2007.
Eastbound BNSF Railway light engine movement. The Metra Cicero Illinois commuter rail station. September 2007.
I took this photo after work, in early September of 2007. An eastbound two unit BNSF Railway light engine move, has just passed the Metra station in immediate west suburban Cicero Illinois. The locomotive to the left is wearing the BNSF 1995 Phase One color scheme, while the locomotive to the right, is a former Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe early 1960's vintage EMD GP-30, still wearing the A,T & S,F Yellow Bonnet color scheme that was introduced in 1972.
Eastbound CTA Brown line train passing North Rockwell Street. Chicago Illinois USA. April 2006.

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