Friday, November 13, 2009

November on Pensacola Avenue. Norridge Illinois USA. November 2008.

November in Norridge Illinois. 2008.

Hi everyone!
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois.

I took this photo last year one sunny afternoon in November of 2008.
Yes folks, once again it is November here in the greater Chicagoland area.
I took this photo looking east on Pensacola Avenue, in near northwest suburban Norridge Illinois. The tree branches have all gone bare, but the bright sunshine now shines through them.


Joanna said...

Absolutely fantastic blog. I love your photos. Very interesting. I never was in US, but I thing this country is beautyfull. Greetings from Poland

Eddie said...

Thank You Joanna.
I am glad that You enjoy My blogsite.

Eddie K.