Welcome to my rail fan page! Here you'll find information and pictures of railroad related items from the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and Indiana. Enjoy your stay. All Aboard!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad steam locomotive # 1385. The July 1983 West Chicago Railroad days celebration. West Chicago Illinois USA.

Westbound Santa Fe intermodal train. Forest View Illinois USA. Early December 1990.
A westbound Atchinson ,Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad intermodal piggyback train, is seen with locomotives painted in the 1989 Passenger Warbonnet "Revival" scheme reintroduced by the A,T & S,F the previous year. It made a lovely sight glimmering in the late day sunshine, on a mild early December afternoon in 1990.
Westbound Burlington Northern Railroad light transfer train. Riverside Illinois USA. November 1989.
The Blue Goose locomotive from Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. July 2007.
It is modeled after American steam locomotives from the late 1800's. The Blue Goose is currently the only operational ex Brookfield Zoo locomotive at Hesston, and is operated on Fathers Day, or other special occasions.
H.O model railroad under construction. July 2007.
Sunset in Franklin Park Illinois USA. July 2007.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Big changes are coming to the village of Cicero Illinois. March 2007.
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago Illinois. I took this photograph after work in March of 2007. Seen here behind a temporary construction / demolition fence, is a Back Hoe crane on the abandoned property of the Plaza Motel at South Cicero Avenue and west 31st Street. This transient motel complex, is being redeveloped into a strip mall shopping center. Other changes on the drawing board include redevelopment of the abandoned Bel Air Drive in Movie theatre across the street, and the former Sportsman's Park horse racing track. For a while during the 1990's , the old Sportsman's Park was redeveloped into the Chicago motor Speedway. Numerous complaints of noise pollution from Cicero residents eventually closed the converted horse to auto racing track. Soon this will become a large hotel and convention center.
Ash Street Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
Former Milwaukee Road unit on Canadian Pacific transfer train. Hayford Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
Colorfull coiled steel cars from the Kansas City Southern Railroad. Hawthorne Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Although the Kansas City Southern was never a Chicago area railroad, just seeing their colorfull equipment passing through the windy city occasionally is a real treet for this railfan.
Eastbound Metra approaching metropolitan Chicago. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Discarded wooden railroad crossing gates. Hawthorne Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Westbound Canadian National train waiting for clearance. Crawford Yard. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Crawford Yard is located along West 33rd Street between South Pulaski Road and South Kostner Avenue, on the outskirts of Chicago's Little Village neighborhood. This is near the city limits with west suburban Cicero Illinois. In past years, this yard was an Illinois Central property. The yard was switched by the Illinois Central's corporate subsidiary railroad, The Chicago & Illinois Western. A former C & I W 0-4-0 T steam locomotive, is preserved at the Mid Continent Railroad Museum in North Freedom Wisconsin near the town of Baraboo.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Indiana Harbor Belt maintenance department dump truck. Argo Yard. Summit Illinois USA. July 2007.
Running gear of East German 0-8-0. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. July 2007.
The Union Pacific Railroad M-19A diesel locomotive shop. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
This is located at 400 North Pulaski Road. This is a very busy locomotive terminal on Chicago's westside. Mid day hours can find Metra engines being serviced prior to the evening rush hour at this location. This is on the Metra / Union Pacific -West line to Elburn Illinois. Prior to 1998, this was the Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad line.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page!

Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page. Today is BUS DAY, here at My transportation blog site from Chicago Illinois.
Here I am in April of 2000, on a chartered fantrip in Kenosha Wisconsin. I had spent the day, riding on and photographing a 1975 vintage GMC Fishbowl bus from Kenosha Transit.
This was a fun outing I enjoyed, with a group from the Chicago chapter of the Omnibus Society of America.
Preserved CTA 1951 Marmon Herrington trolley bus. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. June 2001.

I was fortunate enough to have grown up in the city of Chicago, during the 1960's and 70's era when these electric buses were rolling out their final miles. As a little boy, I frequently rode these with My family, on the Route # 52 Kedzie/ California Avenue bus line. The Chicago Transit Authority had 20 Electric Trolleybus Routes, and from 1959 onward, they were gradually being phased out. The last CTA trolley buses operated on the weekend of March 25th 1973. Many were sold to Mexico secondhand. The Illinois Railway Museum operates these during the summer season, on selected scheduled weekends.
Official Yellowstone National Park bus. Wyoming.June 1984.
Westbound CTA Route # 62 Archer / Harlem bus. Chicago Illinois USA. April 1989.

The 1970's GMC buses would be retired from daily CTA passenger service in 1996.
CTA Route # 62 Archer / Harlem buses at west terminal. April 1988.

Seen here in April of 1988, are two Chicago Transit Authority 1970's era GMC Fishbowl buses sitting in the bus terminal near Archer and Harlem Avenues, on a lovely and mild spring afternoon. This is just east of the Chicago city limits, near the village of Summit Illinois.
Kenosha Transit bus garage. Kenosha Wisconsin USA. April 2000.

A message from Your host and photographer.
This is Eddie K from Eddie's Railfan Page.
I have recieved numerous E-Mails from many former Chicagoans living in other parts of our
great nation today, and the input I recieved was
absolutely the best! I want to thank everyone out there on the world wide web, for taking time from Your busy day, and clicking on Eddie's Railfan Page from the city of Chicago.
I have a question for the viewers out there.
There have been many people who wrote Me and said that they found this site by accident, and absolutely loved it! Many people said that I brought them happy memorys just looking at My past and present photos from the windy city.
I would like to know...."How did You discover Eddie's Railfan Page"? I would love to read some E-Mails from some of the viewers out there, who found My site, and what they think of it.
Having a great Chicago area transportation photo blog site, is made possible from all of the important information and stories from people with a past or present connection to My photos and story postings that I present here at Eddie's Railfan Page.
I would love to hear from You.
Thank You.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The car spindle sculpture. Cermak and Harlem Shopping Plaza. Berwyn Illinois USA. July 2007.
I took this photo after work one day in July of 2007. I had just recieved word via the local Chicagoland grapevine, that the car spindle sculpture at the Cermak and Harlem Shopping Plaza, was going to be removed from the property by late July. The sculpture site is to be redeveloped for a new Walgreens Drug Store. I spotted a few other local photographers that day, documenting the sculpture for historic posterity. This sculpture was seen in the 1992 motion picture "Wayne's World", and has been viewed by local citizens and visiting tourist alike. The Artist is trying to find a buyer / good home - for the tall sculpture of old cars.
Former East German meter guage 0-8-0. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. July 2007..
Rare photograph! Chicago's Brighton Junction during CTA Orange line construction. January 1990.

Electric rapid transit cars from Chicago Illinois, and Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA. The East Troy Electric Railroad and Museum. East Troy Wisconsin.
Equipment from past railroads. 1970's era Chessie System covered hopper. Hawthorne Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Southbound transfer train. Hawthorne Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. June 2007.
Antique Semaphore and modern Block signals. Brighton Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. Early September 2006.
Sometimes when You least expect it, You can find those important reference photos that You forgot You had even taken in the first place. I took this photograph last September at Chicago's Brighton Junction, located at Archer and Western Avenues on Chicago's near southwest side.
The signals to the left, are the antique manual Semaphore signals that date back to the steam era. To the right, are the modern "Industry Standard" block signals. Brighton Junction was long rumored to be on borrowed time when I had taken this photograph last year. By the spring of 2007, new signals were being prepared and installed on site.
In early July of 2007, Brighton Junction was officially closed and the Semaphores were dismantled and removed.
The good news, is that the Norfolk Southern Railroad is contemplating restoring and donating the shanty and signals
for a future museum display. I hope it happens.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Early morning Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad switching local at work. Rapid City South Dakota USA. June 1984.

I took this ariel railfan photograph out of My hotel window, in Rapid City South Dakota.
I was on a motorcoach vacation with My Mother enroute to Yellowstone National Park in northwestern Wyoming. Our motor coach tour from Chicago via Mayflower Tours...Took us to many scenic and historically signifigant locations.
I woke up to the familiar sound of train cars being switched one morning, in Rapid City South Dakota. The Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad, was just across from our hotel's parking lot.
Happy vacation memorys. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming. June 1984.
Happy vacation memorys. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming. June 1984.

Seen here is a photo I had taken of Lake Yellowstone, at America's Yellowstone National Park. Lake Yellowstone is a lovely and very picturesque body of inland water in Yellowstone National Park. There is some degree of fishing and recreational boating to be enjoyed here on Lake yellowstone, but don't look for swimming beaches. The water is Icey Cold!
Happy vacation memorys. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming. June 1984.
Happy vacation memorys. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming. June 1984.

This is one of the rivers that run through America's Yellowstone National Park in northwestern Wyoming, near the state of Montana. It has been a long time since I made this one and only visit so far, and I have since forgotten the name of this River. If anybody can tell Me, I would really appreciate it. The rushing rapids breaks the silence of the immediate wilderness in this section of Yellowstone. The bright sunshine reflecting off the water, makes the trees look dark. It was hard judging what to set My 35 MM camera lens settings in this area.
Happy vacation memorys. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming. June 1984.

I took this "Post card like photo", on a June 1984 vacation I went on to Yellowstone National Park in northwestern Wyoming. This is one of the many areas in Yellowstone National Park that feature these steamy thermal hot pools. Safety has always been a number one concern, and visitors are urged to stay on the walkways. The hot pools have a temperature of 200 degrees Farenheight, and have a pungent sulfer smell.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The crossing gates at the front entrance gate. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Saturday, July 21st , 2007.
Welcome aboard Eddie's Railfan Page.
This past Saturday, My lovely Wife Cheryl and Myself decided to make a weekend road trip to The Hesston Steam Museum in northwest Indiana, near the border with New Buffalo Michigan. A recent addition to the museum, are these operating full size railroad crossing gates in the museums entrance driveway on adjacent road County Line # 1000 N. The museum's 14 inch guage railroad passes through here along the south fence, and crosses the driveway. In past years, two wooden crossbucks were used to tell people that this was a railroad crossing. In this day and age of proboubly a few near misses and other safety concerns, these full size crossing gates with ringing bells now guard the miniature 14 inch guage demonstration railroad line.
East German meter guage steam locomotive. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Saturday, July 21st , 2007.
0-8-0 steam locomotive from the former East German Republic. The locomotive was used overseas in industrial railroad operations, one being a logging railroad in Germany's Black Forest. This locomotive has two distinct steam whistles. One is the original one it used in Germany that has a medium to slightly higher pitch, and a loud American 4 chime model. The air operated locomotive bell is also unique to European locomotives, as it is operated with an external clapper that taps the bell.
Riding the 7 and 1/2 inch guage Santa Fe diesel streamliner. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Saturday, July 21st , 2007.
Rounding the curve along the pond. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Saturday, July 21st , 2007.
The former Burlington diesel switcher from Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. The Hesston Steam Museum. Hesston Indiana USA. Saturday, July 21st 2007.
and the collection of open coaches, were officially donated to the Hesston Steam Museum in 2002.
Undergoing mechanical restoration, is the replica diesel switcher in Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad markings. The 2 foot narrow guage Brookfield, Salt Creek & WesternRailroad, circled the outer perimiter of Chicago's Brookfield Zoo from May of 1967, untill Labor Day Weekend of 1985. The railroad was dismantled in stages for a number of years afterwards.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Traveling around Chicago's western suburbs via The Morton Cab Company. Berwyn Illinois USA. July 2007.
Southbound Canadian National Railroad freight train on the Hayford Junction interchange. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
Westbound BNSF Railway freight train. Riverside Illinois USA. July 2007.
Norfolk Southern transfer waiting on a hold order. Cragin Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. July 2007.
Winter time at Hayford Junction. Chicago Illinois USA. January 1987.
Cigarette advertisement. NorthWestern Station. Chicago Illinois USA. June 1983.

There have been many campaigns by parents, civic and church groups to have tobaco adds removed from public places. NorthWestern Station was demolished in the summer of 1984. The replacement station and glass hi rise building was known as The NorthWestern Atrium Center. After the 1998 Merger and absorbition of the Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad by the Union Pacific, the buildings name was once again changed to the Richard B. Ogilvie Transportation Center, in honor of the late Illinois Govonor who passed away in 1988. These old stone and brick walls in the train terminal area on the east and west side of the building, are still standing today.
Speeding along on the Chicago, South Shore & Southbend Railroad. Somewhere east of Gary Indiana. August 1984.

Friday, July 20, 2007
Chicago's Lincoln Park. A pleasant place to visit.
Chicago's Pilot Hobby shop at 5450 West Belmont Avenue. Going Out of Business. July 2007.
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