Thursday, December 10, 2009

Westbound CTA Skokie Swift train at Kostner Avenue. Skokie Illinois USA. Friday, January 30th 2009.

Westbound CTA Yellow line / Skokie Swift train. Skokie Illinois. Friday, January 30th, 2009.

I remembered the date of this photograph, because it was thirteen degrees above zero farenheight outside, and there I was like a fool out in it capturing this image of Chicago wintertime transit railroading. Ha ha ha!
Sigh...."Railfans. What are You going to do with the likes of us?"

Seen here speeding westbound, is a Chicago Transit Authority yellow line train passing the Kostner Avenue railroad crossing in a holiday Chistmas card setting under blue skies. Yes it was bitterly cold and windy...but what a great photo.


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