I was passing through west suburban Lyons Illinois yesterday, and spotted this scene at the former Cermak Pool site alongside Ogden Avenue / U.S Route #34. For many years during the 1970's and into the mid 1980's, I used to go swimming on summer afternoons at Cermak pool. I sporadically viisited the place during the 1990's, and last swam there around 2002. Two years ago, I visited the site only to find the place closed and in a state of abandonement and ruin. The stone locker room building was boarded up and in a state of decay, and the pool itself had weeds growing up through the concrete, and appeared that the glory days were long over. The pool was demolished recently, and the site appears to be undergoing some sort of a redevelopment today.
I heard that in it's place they will build a new water park, however I am not sure of the details.
A new facility has already bee built and is in operation. Come check it out. 11-7 free admission.
I have a picture of an amusement park built on the Cermak Pool site in 1908.
It shows the original facade and trolley lines with a car approaching or parked near the river.
how can I upload this?
I learned to swim in Cermak Pool in the 1960s. I remember the high dive; I was never brave enough (at the ripe old age of 7 or so) to actually DIVE off of it, but I did jump. The fall was so long I learned to inhale, exhale, inhale, before hitting the water, otherwise I was out of breath about the time I hit max depth.
From the satellite photos it doesn't look to have a high dive anymore.
:: sigh ::
I spent my summer days all through grade school at Cermak pool. I worked as a lifeguard there during the summers of 1983 to 1986. I made lifelong friends there and met alot of girls! I will never forget the tunnel of ice water showers you had to endure prior to entry to the pool. The pool was huge; 100X300 ft. I will cherish the memories for the rest of my life.
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