My Aunt Rose was a trully wonderfull person. She was My Auntie, My Babysitter, My Mentor, and as a young Adult...A really great Friend to have.
Aunt Rose was always full of energy and positive motivation. Between the many vacations We went on together as a Family, the many Civic and Ethnic events that She would attend around Chicago, the various Concerts and Live shows, the many Sunday Drives with My Family, Her charming personality and sense of lighthearted humor.....She was an absolute pleasure to be with. I had the privelidge of having a Fun Aunt.
I will never forget how much She loved listening to The Beatles, Paul Mc Cartney and Wings
Herb Alpbert, Lucianno Pavorati, The Rolling Stones, Englebert Humperdinck, Barry Manillow
and countless other Current and Former music stars. She was really Hip.
She enjoyed life to the fullest with a great sense of fun and adventure to the very end.
She will be missed.
Eddie K.
" I love You Aunt Rose. Thank s for all the happy and fun memorys."
How sad. My sympathies...
Wonderful tribute to your aunt. All the best to you and your family during this difficult time.
I'll never forget the times we met up for breakfast at the Park Restaurant. She was always welcoming and enjoyable to talk to - and quite the traveler.
I used to see her shopping occasionally at McCrory's on Archer.
Please extend my sympathies to your family.
Eddie, I'm sorry for you and your families loss. It is never easy, and ou are doing the best thing that you can do by preserving her memory and remembering her and what she meant to you. Hang in there my friend. As long as she is not forgotten, she will always live.
Dennis (tininjun65)
Hi everyone.
Thank You for Your kind words of sympathy during this very difficult time that My Family, as well as close friends who knew Her are going through right now.
My Aunt Rosemary was "One of a kind", and could never be replaced.
My Aunt was a real "Go Getter" when it came the time to get out and have some fun. Although She was sickly on and off toward the end....She was Full Of Life untill Her last day, and had spent it with her oldest son and his wife enjoying a Sunday drive together that day. Unfortunately it would be her last.
Aunt Rose travelled all over Chicago, and had Friends in several neighborhoods around town.
Southside -Northside -Suburbs -
You name it!
She was 81 years of Love, Joy, Kindness, and Lots of Fun to share.
Thank You.
Eddie K.
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