Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Eastbound CSX West 16th Street local returning to the Belt Railway of Chicago interchange. Cicero Illinois USA. January 2007.

Eastbound CSX Transportation Co West 16th Street industrial switching local returning to the Belt Railway of Chicago interchange in Chicago Illinois. January 2007.

I pulled My car over to the side of West 16th Street just east of the intersection at South Cicero Avenue to capture this unique photo of Chicago winter railroading.

I was heading westbound on West 16th Street, when I spotted the approaching headlights of a slow moving CSX Transportation Company freight train on the former B & O industrial branchline in west suburban Cicero Illinois. The sun was setting on a cold but clear winter day in January of 2007, as the CSX local is viewed returning to the Belt Railway of Chicago interchange connection with freight cars gathered from the local industrial spur sidings.

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