Wednesday, December 02, 2009

IHB caboose conductor giving radio orders for the locomotive crew to proceed. Melrose Park Illinois USA. October 2007.

Caboose conductor giving radio orders for the locomotive crew to proceed. Melrose Park Illinois. October 2007.

One of the more unique images of modern everyday Chicago railroading I had photographed, was the rarely seen Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad branchline switching local that operates alongside Armitage Street in near northwest suburban Melrose Park Illinois.

With many industrial railroad crossings along Armitage Street between 25th Avenue to the east and Manheim Road to the west, this train is a slow moving start and stop back up operation with two crew members on the ground walking to flag the railroad crossings. The conductor in this heavilly grafitti tagged Indiana Harbor Belt transfer caboose, is giving instructions to the locomotive engineer / operator on the hand held radio to back up.

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