I took this photo looking northeast, from the parking lot of the Dominicks grocery store ( now Pete's Fresh Market) in Febuary of 1983. The old Jakter Hotel at West 47th Street and South Kedzie avenue, was being demolished to make room for a new strip mall.
Hey! There's an AMC Pacer in this photo!
How about that!
An actuall pre Wayne's World AMC Pacer. I wonder if it was bought at the nearby Archer Kedzie AMC Jeep dealership 4 blocks north of here.
The old AMC Jeep dealership that was directly across from the orignial "Power" Ford.
Eddie, do you have any photos of the old Power Ford??
Unfortunately, I do not have any photographs of Power Ford. It was either gone before I got into photography, or I was too blind to preserve it on film.
That one and the original Balzekas
Chrysler Plymouth neon sign at Archer and California both escaped My photographic records. Dang!
hi,, grew up in brighton park and as a kid we thought the Jakter was a house of prostitution?... any truth?
I have heard numerous allegations and rumors about this place being a house of prostition many years ago. I wouldn't doubt it.
I never did see prostitutes over there, as I do remember waiting for many a northbound CTA Route # 52 Kedzie / California Avenue bus at this location. What I actually "Do" remember seeing, were numerous chemically dependent Winos -Alchohaulics -Druggies or just plain dirty looking drifters.
It was not a place You took Your family to after church had let out.
Thank You.
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