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During the mid to late 1980's, My family would occasionally visit the Montana Charlie's flea market , located on South Joliet Road in Lemont Illinois. Montana Charlies was just a short distance from the I-55 Stevenson Expressway exit, near the border of Romeoville Illinois. During the spring and early summer, it was nice to come here, stroll around in the fresh air, and occasionally find a nice bargain or two to come home with. We enjoyed coming here in the 80's.
On old Route 66, I do believe??
Yes. Other people that I have spoken to, are telling Me that this is old U.S Route # 66.
Old 66 or the Mother Road as it is known, was replaced by the I-55 Stevenson Expressway in 1962.
However...Several frontage roads and portions of other roads like U.S 53, are original allignment remnants of 66. Illinois unfortunately didn't save much of old U.S # 66.
Thank You.
This is definitely US 66. The Chicken Basket in Hinsdale was also on US 66. I haven't been there in 20 years.
It's in Bolingbrook not Lemont
eddie -
yeah, my family would go here too, when i was little my dad would occasionally drive us from garfield ridge out to white fence farm. i loved it! my dad would always pick up cool old stuff. remember the old welco truck stop around there?
-subliculous over at flickr
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