The Metra Cicero Avenue station, located on South Cicero Avenue between West 26th Street and South Ogden Avenue, has definately seen better days. The station is decaying, and mostly provides a degree of shelter from rainy weather.
The area to the left, is the abandoned former parking lot, now with weeds and grass growing between the cracks. A new parking area exists to the right, out of view from this photograph, and the station platforms are surprisingly, actually well maintained. Hopefully, Metra will replace this station with a newer and more modern flagstop with pleasant architecture and landscaping.
I agree, it's the worst and before when they actually had a little staion house for the westbound commuters to keep warm in the winter, it was also dilapidated and one time someone even defecated on the floor back in the 80's.
It doesn't seem to be a surprise to me, Cicero is not exactly the award winner for beauty...
I believe Svengoolie should have made CICERO jokes on TV, not Berwyn ones. Someone should have thrown a rubber chicken at Betty Lauren Maltese.
This station was nasty looking 20 years ago. I thought they would have fixed it by now. The Western Avenue station wasn't an award winner either.
I remember the building at Congress Park wasn't much to look at before it was razed.
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