Monday, May 13, 2013

The Midwest Transit Bus Museum. Cresthill Illinois. September 2001.

From 2000 to 2002, I was a member of The Midwest Transit Bus Museum, which was located on a private industrial storage rental yard at Rt # 53 and Caton Farm Road in Cresthill Illinois near the city of Joliet.

I used to be employed in the area, and would sometimes come here after work, and hang out with a group of transit bus collectors. It was like an unofficial antique auto club for people who were in to vintage transit buses. Some were actually operable, and would be driven on the property for fun occasionally. Others were rescued from junk yards, and were missing engines or various other parts and did not operate...but made for some nice storage sheds.

I eventually found work on the northside of Chicago, met a wonderful woman who I eventually married, moved north, and was now never in the area anymore to visit the mueum.

Although a series of important life events dictated that I leave this museum group, I still have happy memories of those fun two years that I was a member. Since that time, some of the other members also disbanded, while new ones came aboard.

Eddie K.

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