Friday, January 06, 2012

Silent digital video: The Kiddieland Limited departing the station. Kiddieland Amusement Park. Melrose Park Illinois. June 2007.

I photographed this now historic silent digital video with My old camera back in June of 2007.

I knew that Chicago's Kiddieland Amusement Park in northwest suburban Melrose Park Illinois, was in it's final years of operation. I made it a point to go to the east parking lot along First Avenue whenever I had a chance to do so, and ended up capturing many valuable and historic photos and video clips.

The Kiddieland limited streamliner passenger train, is viewed departing the boarding station on a weeknight early in the season, and entering the east parking lot.

Kiddieland closed after 81 years on Sunday, September 27th, 2009. Today this is the site of a large Costco wholesale warehouse club store.

Eddie K.

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