Thursday, August 06, 2009

Maintaining the overhead trolley wire at the Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois USA. Friday, July 3rd 2009.

Maintaining the overhead trolley wire. The Illinois Railway Museum. Union Illinois. Friday, July 3rd 2009.

I have been visiting the Illinois Railway Museum on and off for many years since 1974, and I have always enjoyed those rare unexpected behind the scenes photos one can obtain when they point their cameras in the right direction.

I was definately in the right place at the right time, when I spotted this museum maintenance extra at work on their mainline. With vintage maintenance equipment like the orange Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad overhead line car, and the black steeple cab electric locomotive from Chicago's Commonwealth Edison Company coupled together, We have practically reanacted a scene of electric interurban railroading from past decades ago! Nice one! A special Thank You is due to the museum's electrical maintenance department and the skilled volunteers who make it happen here.

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