Tuesday, April 01, 2014

The outdoor attractions closed during the winter off season. Haunted Trails family Amusement Center. Bridgeview Illinois. Early March 2014.

I took this photograph a few weeks ago, in southwest suburban Bridgeview Illinois.
Chicago's winter of 2014 was a notorious and never ending one. With sometimes frequent heavy lake effect snowstorms, single digit temperatures, an abundance of ice on the ground and plenty of sharp and blustery winds gusting up, many people stayed indoors and day dreamed of warmer climates.
Seen here is the outdoor attractions area at the Haunted Trails Family Amusement Center in southwest suburban Bridgeview Illinois. This establishment was waiting for the upcoming longer and hopefully warmer days of springtime to arrive, so that the visiting patrons could step outside and enjoy fun family activities like the Go Kart track, Batting Cages, Miniature Golf, or even one of the small portable amusement rides like one would see and ride at a carnival.
Although a recent and short lived thaw had melted the snow by the time of my photograph, the winds blowing out of the west were very strong and gusty, with outside temperatures in the low teens, and a windchill factor that felt like it was 2 degrees above zero Farenheight.
Now that winter is officially behind Chicago  (At least on the calendar) the fun outings and happy memories should be returning to this local Chicago area family entertainment venue soon.
Eddie K.

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