Thursday, December 18, 2008

Recently retired 2001 Chevrolet, Paratransit bus # 5001. Glenview Illinois USA. November 2008.

2001 Chevrolet Paratransit bus # 5001. Glenview Illinois. November 2008.

The end of the line was near for 2001 Chevrolet Paratransit bus # 5001 in November of 2008. This was the bus I was assigned to regularily on a daily basis at First Transit in Glenview Illinois. Age and various mechanical issues were making their Prescence known, and would soon find the bus removed from the roster upon retirement. I took this photo approximately two weeks before it was traded in for new Ford buses. By the time of this photo, the electric driver's seat adjustments weren't working. Thank goodness I have long legs.

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