Thursday, January 21, 2010

Digital Live Sound Video: MTH O'Scale 1950's era CTA 6000 series lightweight rapid transit train. Chicagoland Hobby. 6017 Northwest Highway. Chicago.

I photographed and narated this digital live sound video clip, during a recent January 2010 visit to Chicagoland Hobby at 6017 Northwest Highway in Chicago's Norwood Park neighborhood.

An MTH O' Scale operating model of a 1950's era Chicago Transit Authority, 6000 series lightweight rapid transit viewed operating on the stores in house elevated line.

Hmmmm. Maybe this could be the ficticious "Norwood Park" branch of the CTA elevated system. Ha Ha Ha!


FVDV said...

Eddie, do you pick up your copy of First & Fastest while you're there or do you subscribe?

Going to DuPage History Museum. They apparently have a 2000 ft HO gauge layout with CNW, BN, CAE, and others layed out as part of their display! Have you been their yourself?

Eddie said...

Hi there FVDV

Thank You for discovering My blogsite Eddie's Railfan Page.

I used to subscribe to First and Fastest (Great Magazine!)...but I got a little lazy along the way and buy it at the store occasionally. I am planning on renewing My subscription in the near future.

I was at the Du Page History Museum once with My Cousin Allen back around 1981, but havn't returned yet.

What is the address of this museum?

Eddie K